[Virtual-pkg-base-maintainers] Bug#408128: closed by Amaya <amaya@debian.org> (Re: Bug#408128: base: Please add alternative for more)

Amaya amaya at debian.org
Tue Mar 6 20:03:12 CET 2007

Reuben Thomas wrote:
> Thanks for your explanation. My problem with "sensible-pager" is just that 
> it's fine for other programs that want to call a pager, but it doesn't fall 
> easily under the fingers: it's not really designed to be typed as a 
> command. Other sensible-* and similar things like x-terminal-emulator have 
> the same problem.

Feel frre to reopen this bug and reassign it to the debianutils package.
If you need help with this, please ping me.

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