[Virtual-pkg-base-maintainers] Bug#542147: base: System init no longer reliable

Michael.Burschik at gmx.de Michael.Burschik at gmx.de
Wed Aug 19 05:17:03 UTC 2009

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Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> On Dienstag, 18. August 2009, Michael Burschik wrote:
>> Thank you very much for your helpful reply. So, Debian testing breaks my
>> system, and possibly others, too, but you don't really care. 
> I do care, thats why I replied and thats why I reply. It's just that your 
> report is not really useful at all:
> - which packages did you upgrade when?

We are talking about Debian testing here. That means something like ten 
to fifteen package updates every day (138 during the last seven days). 
And since the problem is intermittent, I can't exactly say when the 
broken package was installed.

> - what exactly broke how?

I'll repeat the problem: Sometimes, lvm disks are not mounted and dhcp 
is not used.

> - with what error message(s)?

Error messages? Yes, of course, there was a big, fat, red ERROR MESSAGE 
and I did not include it in my bug report just to make things more 
difficult for you.

> "my system no longer initializes reliably" is basically as useful as "the 
> internet is down", sorry.

Really? I would have thought the system initialization was a rather 
limited and well-understood (by Debian developers that is) process, but 
what do I know.

> If you provide useful information, it's easy to reopen this bug etc.
>> I sincerely apologize for wasting your time. In future, I will not file
>> any bug reports. I will also stop using Debian testing. I might even
>> stop using Debian.
> You are free to do what you think is right. Enjoy!

And that's exactly what I'll do. The point is, I am not running Debian 
testing for my own gratification, but as a service to Debian. I am 
*testing* the distribution and writing bug reports to provide feed-back. 
But I am no longer going to waste my time doing that.

> regards,
> 	Holger



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