[Virtual-pkg-base-maintainers] Bug#514889: "On battery power, so skipping file system check" when in AC power

Virgo Pärna virgo.parna at mail.ee
Thu Feb 12 07:27:24 UTC 2009

> Hi Virgo,
> This is completly and utterly wrong. You dont describe any problem, just a 
> mere note. If this were an error, the severity would be minor.

	It is a problem, because it never does filesystem check - even after
crash, when it is necessary. And the message says, that it skips the
check because it is running on battery power, when it is not running on
battery power but in AC power.

>> > 	When starting my Acer laptop on AC power, it reports:
>> > "On battery power, so skipping file system check".
> And as this is a feature, I'm closing this bug.

	It is a feature, that the system reports, that it is running on
battery, when it is not running on battery?????

Virgo Pärna
virgo.parna at mail.ee

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