[Virtual-pkg-base-maintainers] Bug#627614: Bug#627614: base: Compositing

Amaya amaya at debian.org
Tue May 24 07:24:42 UTC 2011

severity 627614 normal

Hi there, Tóth

Tóth László wrote:
> Package: base
> Severity: important
> Is this a stable distro ?
> I can not activate compositing again after I installed the recommended upgrades on my system.
> I think, I forget Debian ( no answer for my other problems, and here is the new one... )

No problem, you'll get a full refund for your purchase :)

Please provide more information on what packages you upgraded, a log for
xorg, and so on. With the little information you provide and, frankly,
the tone of your message there's not much I can do to help you.

Remember Debian is made with love by volunteers :)

 .''`.     #yeswecamp #spanishrevolution 
: :' :    
`. `'   
  `-    Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux

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