[Virtual-pkg-base-maintainers] Bug#758110: base: suspend to ram key (Fn+F4) does not work anymore

Cedric Roux sed at free.fr
Wed Feb 18 17:23:08 UTC 2015

Hi Debian,

I don't have the problem anymore.

Here is what I did to remove it:
- apt-get install sysvinit-core sysvinit sysvinit-utils
- reboot
- apt-get remove --purge --auto-remove systemd
- apt-get install acpid
- apt-get install acpi-support

I don't remember if I removed the acpi thing before or after
systemd popped up (unwillingly). I guess it's after (why
would I have done it before? why did I include that information
in my previous email?).

Anyway, now fn-f4 suspends the computer. Putting the screen
down does not suspend it anymore (did I ask you to suspend?
No I just asked you to turn the screen off, so just do that
thank you). Everything is back in order. Systemd is at its
place, with all due respect to people's hard work (but you
know, it's also good to realize what you're doing just sucksTM
and give up and do something saner).


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