[Virtual-pkg-base-maintainers] Bug#793063: base: Should Debian be a member of UEFI Forum?

Andrew Kane akane at freegeekseattle.org
Mon Jul 20 23:52:53 UTC 2015

Package: base
Severity: normal

Dear Debian Project,

The UEFI Forum is "the group responsible for developing, managing and promoting UEFI specifications" according to their website.
I think it would be in the Project's interest to become a member of this group, so as to influence the direction that UEFI takes.

I'm not currently an expert in UEFI, but I'm willing to learn it and to do work involved in gaining such membership.

I apologise if there's already a UEFI team and I'm going over their heads, but I looked and didn't find such a team. 
Assuming there isn't one, would anyone like to start one with me?

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