[Virtual-pkg-base-maintainers] Bug#858246: base: Does not detect users on mounted /home partition

Joshua Nelson jyn514 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 00:13:52 UTC 2017

Oh, I see. Sorry for the trouble.

On 03/20/2017 08:51 AM, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> Control: severity -1 wishlist
> Control: retitle -1 add support for importing users from other systems
> jyn514 at gmail.com wrote:
>> Package: base
>> Severity: normal
>> Tags: d-i
>> Dear Maintainer,
>> I recently installed Debian from an Ubuntu host. I use a mounted home partition for just these scenarios.
>> Debian installed and booted properly, but on the (graphical) login screen, did not show my user
>> account made with Ubuntu. Ubuntu similarly does not recognize the default user account installed by
>> Debian. Both operating systems function well individually.
>> The strangest part of this is that /home clearly shows both folders when I access it in files, but
>> does not recognize the folder as a user in the Users application or login screen.
> Hi,
> The data in home directories is just data on the disk; the actual user
> account/authentication data is kept elsewhere in the system, and that
> is never automatically imported. It should be feasible to write a
> program to do that, but I don't think that's something that's a
> priority for the Debian team.

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