[Vlosuts-devel] Jewish Defence League Canada - Parsha Of The Week - Aug 16 2008

Jewish Defence League Canada - Parsha Of The Week maillist at jdlcanada.ca
Fri Aug 15 18:33:35 UTC 2008

Your membership and donations will help us serve the Jewish Community!

This weeks Torah Parsha is Va'Eschanan. In this Parsha is the Shema, "Hear, O Israel: The L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One".

Judaism's ultimate prayer is the Shema, our declaration of God's unity. And the ultimate word in the Shema is its last word, echad ('one'). The Sages gave detailed instructions how this important word should be pronounced.

"All who prolong the word 'echad' will have their days and years prolonged. Rabbi Acha bar Yaakov said that one should prolong the letter dalet." [Berachot 13b]

The Talmud explains that one should pronounce the word echad long enough to declare God's reign over all that is above, below, and to the four sides of heaven ("arba ruchot hashamayim").

Why prolong the letter dalet when saying the Shema? "Dalet" has the numerical value of four. It represents the four diverse directions, east, west, north and south. By emphasizing the dalet, we affirm the connection of these means to the unified goal of creation.

And when we concentrate on the Shema, we are to release all of our fears. Because, are fears are the result of individual shortcomings. The reading of the Shema should give us National Pride in being part of the Jewish Nation. According to Rabbi Yehuda Halevi in his work, 'The Kuzari', the Torah and the Land of Israel and the Jewish People are One.

The problems we face as Jews, are many. There are physical threats to our survival in every country. A recent study from the PEW research center in the USA found that "One out of four young U.S. Muslims believe homicide bombings against civilians are OK to "defend Islam," according to a new poll".

FOXNews.com - Poll: 1 in 4 U.S. Young Muslims OK With Homicide

One of the most respected web sites for the study of Islam, is called Islam On Line. There you will find many experts on Islam that will provide answers to the many questions people have about Islam. This was the same web site that discussed a "poem" called "How To Behead", and the JDL exposed the Canadian connection to the web site. You can also find discussions about 'wife beating'. Now you can go to their web site and look up Palestine Holocaust . A regular Islamic contributor to Islam On Line is Jamal Badawi a spokesperson for CAIR Canada and a leader in the Islamic Society for North America.

The most active Islamic group on campus today is the Muslim Student Association. This group has chapters through out the USA and Canada. The JDL recently, exposed a teleconference by the MSA, to have as their featured speaker a Man that calls for an intifada in North America. These groups share the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report.

However, our greatest problem is a lack of Jewish Unity. Many Jews are so assimilated that they 'break bread' with people associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. These assimilated Jews attack our one little Jewish State. Consider Professor Eyal Ben-Ari. This is a professor from The Hebrew University. This is the same professor that praised a student for writing a thesis claiming that Israel is an 'Apartheid State' and that the IDF soldiers are the worst racist in the world because they do not rape Arab women. Hebrew U Professor who Thinks Non-Rape is Racism Gets Busted for Rape. And there are many other assimilated professors like Eyal Ben-Ari, in every country including Canada.

As the summer months are soon over, the campuses will be busy with Jew Hatred. We must be ready. We must have answers for Jewish Youth. The JDL is working with Jewish Students, because they are our future. It is vital that we identify the physical threats and the internal threats. Both threats must be dealt with.

The message of the Shema is not to show any fear of these Jew Haters, but to have Jewish Pride and to work hard to unify our people. No to any division of the Land of Israel. No to the so-called Two State Plan, with one area free of Jews and the other area a Binational State. No recognition of the 'Apartheid' label from supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. We should adopt a David Ben Gurion mindset. All of his advisers warned him not to proclaim a Jewish State in 1948. He did not think about this 'Apartheid' nonsense. After he proclaimed a Jewish State, many Arabs fled Israel and Israel then had a Jewish majority. We must be firm and everything will work out. The country Jordan has a "Peace Accord" with Israel, yet they have travel restrictions on Jews. It is considered a 'security risk' to bring any Jewish religious item into Jordan

Jordan bars Jews with religious items
36 tourists told that tefillin, talitot, bibles were a security threat,
and would have to be left behind.

Get involved with the Jewish Defence League and help spread our ideology to the Jewish masses. Give us your support today.

The Jewish Defence League is a growing movement.  Our ideology is the hope of a better more secure Jewish future.  Join our movement or make a contribution.

Visit our Canadian site www.jdlcanada.ca. We would like to hear from you. Please send us your comments via email to jdl at jdlcanada.ca

With Love of Israel,

Meir Weinstein  National Director Jewish Defence League of Canada

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