[Vlosuts-devel] [Jdlcanada] remove
JDL Canada Maillist
jdlcanada at jdlcanada.ca
Mon Jul 7 22:02:12 UTC 2008
---- JDL Canada Maillist <jdlcanada at jdlcanada.ca> wrote:
> Your membership and donations will help us serve the Jewish Community!
> This weeks Torah Parsha in Shelach. The central theme of this parsha is about the failure of Jewish Leadership. The word Shelach is interpreted to mean 'send forth G-d allowed Moshe to send out men to spy out the Land of Israel. These men were to bring back a report about realities in the Land of Israel. The Torah states, "They returned from spying out the Land at the end of the forty days. They went and came to Moshe and Aaron and to the entire assembly of the Children of Israel... the Sages comment on "They went and came" with, 'just as their returning was with evil council so was their going with evil council'. These spies brought back a report to the people that the Land of Israel was impossible to conquer. They brought back a report of fear. These were the same people that witnessed the exodus from Egypt and the splitting of the sea and the giving of the Torah. Yet, they had fear of leaving the 'comfort' of the desert. It is in this context that we understand the wor
> ds of our Sages. The spies were to bring back a report to Moshe and not to convey their own false ideas. The Spies continued to tell the Jewish People, "The Land through which we have passed, to spy it out, is a land that devours its inhabitants".
> In 1948, just prior to Israel's independence, David Ben Gurion the first Prime Minister of Israel held an emergency meeting to vote on proclaiming a Jewish State. The meeting was very tense. Demographics and acceptance in the UN was discussed. The USA State Department issued a report to President Harry Truman not to recognize the State of Israel. But David Ben Gurion was determined and he proclaimed Independence for the State of Israel. Shortly afterwards, Israel was attacked on all sides and within. Thousands of Arabs within Israel fled to Arab Countries, waiting and praying for the destruction of the State of Israel. However, the Arabs lost the war and the State of Israel won respect and solved much of the demographic threat.
> Today, many of our 'leaders' repeat the same fears of yesteryear. Our leaders perceive a contradiction between a Democratic State and a Jewish State. That is why the Jewish People's Policy Planning Committee warns of a demographic threat and pushes for Jerusalem to be an International City. The issue of demography is important. The truth is that the Arab birth rate in Israel and the territories is in sharp decline. Also the Jewish fertility rates are on the rise. It is the most assimilated of our People that have a very low birth rate if any at all. For a good review of the true demographic trends in Israel, it is vital to read the facts as presented in The Ettinger Report It is in this report that you will read how the State of Israel has defeated the demographic demon and that only a retreat from Land and the establishment of a Terror State will encourage Arab Immigration which will again pose a demographic threat.
> The following article is another example of bad Jewish Leadership:
> Prime Minister Olmert (from israelnationalnews.com)
> Arab MKs Vote to Keep Olmert in Power
> Arab MKs are banding together to keep Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in office and to block a vote to dissolve the Knesset. Read The Entire Story HERE.
> The Jewish Defence League will continue to speak the truth and demand strong Jewish Leadership. We need concerned people to call our office and commit some of their time to our projects. We seek to nullify the defamation and lies from the many anti Jewish/Israel gangs. We will mount a campaign against CUPE Ontario for their anti Jewish/Israel boycott crusade. We are determined to expose the many Hezbollah and Hamas support groups in Canada.
> Our Security training programs will start next week. Please call our office to get more involved at 905-474-0555.
> The central message of this parsha is to be suspect of our leadership. Many leaders are chosen because of their financial standing and not because of their commitment to Israel or the Jewish People. True Jewish Leadership must preach strong Jewish family values, commitment to the Jewish Way of Life and a Strong State of Israel.
> The Jewish Defence League will change the posture of the Jewish People. Our many bold programs have given many Jews a renewed confidence.
> Join the Jewish Defence League today.
> With Love of Israel,
> Meir Weinstein National Director
> Jewish Defence League of Canada
> Tel: 905-474-0555
> email: jdl at jdlcanada.ca
> Show your support by making a donation today - We need your support!
> If you no longer wish to receive our mailings along with the parsha of the week please reply to this message and put the word [Remove} without the brackets in the subject line
> This weeks Parsha is Bamidbar. The English translation for the word 'Bamidbar' is desert or wilderness. It was in the wilderness that the Jewish People traveled until it was time for them to enter the Land of Israel. Many have translated the word 'Bamidbar' to mean 'Numbers'. And the reason for this is because a census was taken of the Jewish People at that time.
> "Take a census of the entire Congregation of the Children of Israel, according to their families, by the houses of their fathers..." [1:2]
> Rashi explains why a new count is taken here: "because they are so precious before him, he counts them continuously."
> Further in the Parsha we read, "The Levites according to their fathers tribe were not counted among them." And Rashi explains, 'they were counted separately in deference to their higher status. Alternatively, G-d knew that all those included in the general census would die in the wilderness, but He wanted to exclude the Levites from this fate because of their loyalty and courage in the incident of the Golden Calf.'
> It is sixty years since the establishment of the State of Israel. In 1948, there were 600,000 Jews in Israel. Today, there are close to six million Jews living in Israel. Israel is home to the largest concentration of Jews in the world today. In a few years, Israel will be the home of the majority of Jews in the world. The reasons for this fact are as follows: In the Diaspora, there is negative growth and very high assimilation. In Israel, there is strong positive growth and a strong Jewish identity. The idea of Israel being the home to a majority of Jews in the world has special significance and implications in Jewish Law (Halacha). The only previous time when a majority of Jews in the world lived in Israel was during the First Temple. A minority of Jews in the World lived in Israel during the Second Temple. Many Laws that pertain to Jerusalem and the Temple will have to be honoured. The geopolitical implications of this miracle taking place in our days will be realized.
> An in depth article on this subject can be read. (Click here) BI'AT KULCHEM
> Just as the Levites were singled out from the 'entire Congregation of the Children of Israel', it is important to look at the affect and influence that the Orthodox Jewish Community is having on the Jewish Population. In the USA, the Republican Party is targeting the Orthodox Jewish vote. Consider this article from the Washington Post,
> Future of Orthodox Jewish Vote Has Implications for GOP
> Small but Growing Group Receptive to Republican Ideas
> By Jim VandeHei
> Washington Post Staff Writer
> Thursday, August 3, 2006; Page A06
> Republicans are hoping a strong defense of Israel translates into greater support among Jewish voters this fall, but the biggest political benefits are likely to come long after the 2006 campaign concludes, according to political and demographic experts studying Jewish voting trends.
> The Jewish group proving most receptive to Republican overtures over the past decade is among the smallest:
> Orthodox Jews. Right now, they account for roughly 10 percent of the estimated 5.3 million Jews in the United States,
> hardly enough to tip most elections.
> This is likely to change significantly in the years ahead because Orthodox Jews are the fastest-growing segment of the Jewish population, raising the possibility that one of the most reliable Democratic voting blocs will be increasingly in play in future elections, according to surveys of
> "The likelihood is there will be a very quick jump in the number of orthodox as the baby boomers Jewish voting and religious and social habits. Age and die," said David A. Harris of the American Jewish Committee, a nonpartisan organization that conducts an annual survey of Jews. "They will be increasingly replaced by Orthodox children who are more" in line with Republicans.
> This trend is also taking place in Israel on a larger scale. There are two major reasons why the Orthodox Jewish Community is growing at such a fast pace. They marry in their early twenties and have many children. This is one of the key defences that the State of Israel has against the Arab demographics in Israel. For an in-depth analysis of the demographic figures in Israel, click here to read the reports The Ettinger Report
> The basic message of this parsha is to be included in the Jewish Census. All of our activities should further Jewish Pride and Identity. The JDL is on the front line countering anti Jewish Hate. We are growing in numbers and influence. We are going to start an ongoing campaign against those unions that are calling for Israel to be boycotted. Join us.
> With Love of Israel,
> Meir Weinstein National Director
> Jewish Defence League of Canada
> Tel: 905-474-0555
> email: jdl at jdlcanada.ca
> Show your support by making a donation today - We need your support!
> If you no longer wish to receive our mailings along with the parsha of the week please reply to this message and put the word [Remove} without the brackets in the subject line
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