[Vmdebootstrap-devel] Bug#767806: vmdebootstrap: Please print which distribution is being debootstrapped

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Sun Nov 2 19:18:04 UTC 2014

Package: vmdebootstrap
Version: 0.4-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch

Please change the default output from vmdebootstrap to print which
distribution it is building.  I've spent a lot of time today trying to
figure out why grub and btrfs do not work, only to discover just now
that the version I was bootstrapping was not the version I thought I
was bootstrapping. :)

Here is a patch to print it in the debootstrapping line.

--- vmdebootstrap.orig  2014-10-18 20:35:19.000000000 +0200
+++ vmdebootstrap       2014-11-02 20:11:50.552598362 +0100
@@ -289,7 +318,7 @@
         self.runcmd(['mkfs', '-t', type, device])
     def debootstrap(self, rootdir):
-        self.message('Debootstrapping')
+        self.message('Debootstrapping %s' % self.settings['distribution'])
         if self.settings['foreign']:
             necessary_packages = []

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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