[Vmdebootstrap-devel] Bug#811464: vmdebootstrap: fails to download packages

Matt Taggart taggart at debian.org
Tue Jan 26 07:18:37 UTC 2016

I encounter the same error again and figured out what the problem was!

In my original problem report I specified "--size=100000000". Well that 
value is in _bytes_ so that is only 100M. So the image was filling up due 
to the kernel(large) and zlib(last alphabetically).

I filed a separate bug suggesting better documentation of the size option 

It would have been nice if vmdebootstrap detected this problem and gave a 
more specific error. If it's too complicated to detect the image full 
issue, a sanity check on reasonable values of SIZE would have caught it too.

Will change to wishlist.


Matt Taggart
taggart at debian.org

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