[Vmware-package-maintainers] Bug#434302: Bug#434302: vmware-package: Install vmware-server-console package doesn't load on i386

Robert Edmonds edmonds at debian.org
Mon Jul 23 05:02:02 UTC 2007

James Healy wrote:
> Yep, I'm running gnome. With a different theme the same error occurs,
> but with the path pointing to the relevant theme's gtkrc. Under KDE it
> silently fails to launch.

What happens if you run it under an X environment that is not KDE or

What happens if you create a file in your home directory named
.gtkrc-2.0, and put this line in it:

    gtk-theme-name = "Default"

Does installing vmware server console from VMware's tarball work at all?

And, is it possible to use etch in your situation?  VMware products tend
to have good compatibility with released Linux distributions.

> On my sid system, if I run
> VMWARE_USE_SHIPPED_GTK=no vmware-server-console
> the gtkrc error goes away (although it silently fails to launch still),
> leading me to think that the gtkrc error is caused by
> vmware-server-console attempting to read my system's gtkrc theme files
> with it's older bundled version of the gtk libraries?
> The failing to launch might be a separate issue.

Hm, after installing gtk2-engines from unstable on a sid/amd64 machine
and setting my theme to Clearlooks, I can indeed reproduce the "error:
unexpected character `@', expected string constant" message, but the
server console GUI starts up fine (although with a default theme).

But, your experience is that the "unexpected character `@'" message
always results in a failure to launch?

I'm inclined to consider this an upstream bug (since I see VMTN forum
posts from ubuntu users experiencing difficulty with gtk 2.10) and drop
the severity to normal since I don't believe vmware-package is at fault.
A workaround could certainly be placed in vmware-package if one were
possible, however.

Robert Edmonds
edmonds at debian.org
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