Haraga, Felicia felicia.haraga at cfr.ro
Sat Sep 6 14:52:43 UTC 2014

Hello, my name is Felicia and I am from Romania. I received a message from Mrs. Ishtar Kalif and please me more if you can confirm that everything is somehow true. Please help me, because I want to help but also to help me and me.
Thank you and I wish you a great day .


Con?inutul acestui mesaj este destinat exclusiv persoanelor c?tre care a fost trimis ?i poate include informa?ii confiden?iale ?i legal protejate proprietate a CNCF "CFR" S.A. Dac? nu sunte?i destinatarul mesajului v? inform?m c? divulgarea, copierea, distribuirea informa?iilor con?inute sau ini?ierea oric?rei ac?iuni pe baza acestora sunt interzise ?i pot atrage r?spundere legal?. Dac? a?i primit acest mesaj din gre?eal? v? rug?m ?n?tiin?a?i emitentul ?i s? ?l ?terge?i din sistemul Dumneavoastr?. V? mul?umim.

The content of this email is intended solely for the use of the individual to whom it is addressed and may include confidential or legally privileged information property of CNCF "CFR" S.A. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited and determines legal responsibility. If you received this email in error please inform the sender and then delete it. Thank you

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Railway transport helps the environment, and you can do the same by not printing this e-mail.
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