[Webapps-common-discuss] webapps-common/doc Webapps-Policy-Manual-DRAFT.txt,1.4,1.5
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Some more contents on the common issues
Index: Webapps-Policy-Manual-DRAFT.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/webapps-common/webapps-common/doc/Webapps-Policy-Manual-DRAFT.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.4 -r1.5
--- Webapps-Policy-Manual-DRAFT.txt 6 May 2005 12:02:23 -0000 1.4
+++ Webapps-Policy-Manual-DRAFT.txt 6 May 2005 13:50:14 -0000 1.5
@@ -43,11 +43,12 @@
1.3 Related Documents
2 Common issues and recommended solutions
- 2.1 Web param files
- 2.2 Static files
- 2.3 Database issues
- 2.4 Architecture independant scripts (Perl, PHP and others)
- 2.5 Architecture dependant scripts
+ 2.1 The document root
+ 2.2 Web param files
+ 2.3 Static files
+ 2.4 Database issues
+ 2.5 Architecture independant scripts (Perl, PHP and others)
+ 2.6 Architecture dependant scripts
3 Libraries for the web applications
3.1 PHP libraries issues
@@ -73,12 +74,27 @@
1.1 Scope
-This manual provides guidelines and requirements for all package that are
-meant to be used through a web interface.
+This manual describes the policy requirements for the packaging of web
+application in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution.
+This includes a description of the scope covered by this policy section,
+several design issues of web applications, as well as technical requirements
+that each web application package must satisfy to be included in the
+It has been seen that there are more and more web applications entering Debian
+and they are getting more and more importance
+Each package that provides an application available through a web interface is
+supposed to be compliant with this policy manual.
1.2 Authors and Maintainers
-This policy manual has been written by the members of the Debian Webapps Team
+This policy manual has been written by the members of the Debian Webapps Team:
+ - Alexis Sukrieh
+ - Pascal Hakim
+FIXME: add here your name ;)
While the authors of this document have tried hard to avoid typos and other
errors, these do still occur. If you discover an error in this manual or if you
@@ -88,20 +104,89 @@
1.3 Related Documents
+This Policy is deeply bound to the Debian Policy Manual...
2 Common issues and recommended solutions
+Packaging a web application is much hard than it could seem in the first place.
+A web application comes with a couple of kinds of files wich should be handled
+with care.
+This section will cover every common issue a webapp maintainer can face. Most of
+the points covered here are mandatory if you want your package to be included in
+the Debian Archive.
2.1 Web param files
+Web application can provide some configuration files which are editable through
+the web interface. Those files are seen as special conffile (in the Debian
+point of view).
+Every file that is meant to change the behaviour of the application should be a
+conffile located under `/etc/$package'.
+Note that this file should be writable by the `www-data' user in order to let
+the application edit the file.
2.2 Static files
+Every files needed by the web application and provided as static content (html,
+images or css) are called in this document "sattic files".
+There are a couple of static files:
+ . templates: some html or css pages used to generate dynamic pages.
+ . images: jpg, png or gif image files.
+ . web pages: full HTML pages used without dynamic change.
+FIXME : there are two main points of view for static files, remains to choose
+ which one to keep.
+* Static files are conffiles *
+* Static files are readonly data *
+Every static files provided by the package are considered read-only data.
+The user should not touch those files. This is the default version of the static
+content needed bythe application.
+Thus, every static file should be put under /usr/share/$package.
+If there is a way to provide an alternate location for the static contents, the
+user could be pointed to the /usr/local/$package directory and should be adviced
+to copy the /usr/share/$package content inside.
+He will then be able to handle his modifications safely.
+FIXME: please comment on this section....
2.3 Database issues
+If the web application needs a database to run properly, the maintainer must use
+the dbconfig-common package to perform the databse configuration.
+See the dbconfig-common manual for details...
+FIXME: more details, reference...
2.4 Architecture independant scripts (Perl, PHP and others)
+Where to put them ?
+/usr/share/$package ?
2.5 Architecture dependant scripts
+Is /usr/lib/cgi-bin still valid?
3 Libraries for web applications
@@ -134,5 +219,5 @@
3.1 dbconfig-common -
-3.2 webapps-common - 1 About this manual
+3.2 webapps-common -