[Webapps-common-discuss] webapps-common/doc Webapps-Policy-Manual-DRAFT.txt,1.10,1.11

sukria-guest@haydn.debian.org sukria-guest@haydn.debian.org

Update of /cvsroot/webapps-common/webapps-common/doc
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv22024/doc

Modified Files:
Log Message:
adding some file in the table

Index: Webapps-Policy-Manual-DRAFT.txt
RCS file: /cvsroot/webapps-common/webapps-common/doc/Webapps-Policy-Manual-DRAFT.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -d -r1.10 -r1.11
--- Webapps-Policy-Manual-DRAFT.txt	9 May 2005 12:38:09 -0000	1.10
+++ Webapps-Policy-Manual-DRAFT.txt	9 May 2005 13:05:37 -0000	1.11
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
                           Webapps Policy Manual
+                            $Revision$
@@ -120,7 +123,7 @@
 the points covered here are mandatory if you want your package to be included in
 the Debian Archive. 
-2.0 Web applications and the FHS
+2.1 Web applications and the FHS
 web applications should follow the same guidelines as any other
 software. most specifically, they should not make any assumption about
@@ -131,13 +134,18 @@
 location of files:
 type of file                                location
 static web pages                            /usr/share/PACKAGE/www*
 dynamically interpreted web pages           /usr/share/PACKAGE/www*
+persistent application data                 /var/lib/PACKAGE
+dynamcially executed web pages              /usr/lib/cgi-bin/PACKAGE**
 dynamically executed web pages              /usr/lib/cgi-bin/PACKAGE**
 application-specific libraries              /usr/share/PACKAGE/include***
 site configuration (settings/passwords)     /etc/PACKAGE
 locally modifiable/overridable content      /etc/PACKAGE****
 php libraries                               /usr/share/php/PACKAGE
+Architecture independant Perl libraries     /usr/share/perl5/PACKAGE
+Architecture dependant Perl libraries       /usr/lib/perl5/PACKAGE
 rrd, mrtg and other database files          see database application policy
 *: also acceptable are "htdocs", "site", or any other name, as long as
@@ -150,7 +158,7 @@
      else, as long as it is identifiable, outside the documentroot, and in
      a subdirectory of /usr/share/PACKAGE.
-2.1 Configuration Files and Customizable Content
+2.2 Configuration Files and Customizable Content
 in-line with standard FHS policy, any files that require being edited by
 the local administrator (for information such as "themes" or credentials
@@ -167,7 +175,7 @@
 PHP this would be "require_once", in perl "use") to include a smaller,
 trimmed down configuration file from underneath /etc.
-2.1.1 Permissions and Ownership of Configuration Files
+2.2.1 Permissions and Ownership of Configuration Files
 Webapp configuration files will likely need to have permissions and ownership
 different from the standard root:root ownership and 644 permissions.  The most