[Webmin-maintainers] Bug#318414: Webmin has problems installing third-party modules

Misu Moldovan dmoldovan at avira.com
Fri Jul 15 12:05:00 UTC 2005

Package: webmin
Version: 1.210a-2
Severity: important

The webmin modules that are installed manually through webmin's
interface (and not via the apt system) are placed by default in
/usr/local/share/webmin. However, in that directory the symlinks seem
broken, they all point to the same script:  ../../../share/webmin/web-lib.pl

Here's how we worked around it for our custom webmin module, available
at http://www.avira.com/en/products/AVIRA_Webmin_Remote_Panel.html:

cd /usr/local/share/webmin
rm ./ui-lib.pl
ln -s ../../../share/webmin/ui-lib.pl ./ui-lib.pl
ln -s ../../../share/webmin/web-lib-funcs.pl ./web-lib-funcs.pl

Note that other third-party modules have the same problem, we have tried
another one from http://webmin.thirdpartymodules.com/?page=Servers ,
namely the Samba Machine module by Dennis Plöger available for download
at http://www.blueocean-design.de/webmin/sambamachines-0.1beta2.wbm and
it has the very same problem.

The problem was investigated on two machines with Debian Sid (unstable).


AVIRA - Quality Assurance Engineer

dmoldovan at avira.com
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