[Webmin-maintainers] Bug#275183: marked as done ([l10n:de] updated German debconf translation)

Debian Bug Tracking System owner@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 05:18:11 -0800

Your message dated Thu, 31 Mar 2005 08:02:13 -0500
with message-id <E1DGzJN-0006oi-00@newraff.debian.org>
and subject line Bug#275183: fixed in usermin 1.110-2
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 6 Oct 2004 13:35:34 +0000
>From nachtigall@web.de Wed Oct 06 06:35:34 2004
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From: Jens Nachtigall <nachtigall@web.de>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: [l10n:de] updated German debconf translation
X-Mailer: reportbug 2.64
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 15:35:43 +0200
Message-Id: <E1CFBxH-0002Qu-Mz@localhost>
Sender: nachtigall@web.de
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Package: usermin
Severity: minor
Tags: l10n patch

Please find a translation of the debconf template into German attached.
Please copy the file de.po to debian/po/ (I assume your package uses

Let me know if the templates changes, so that I can adjust the
translation. Warning translators before uploading the package and
leaving them a delay for translation updates is the best approach.

"grep Last-Translator debian/po/*po" will give you the needed addresses.

-- System Information:
Debian Release: 3.1
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (990, 'unstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.6.6-1-386
Locale: LANG=de_DE.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=de_DE.UTF-8

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="de.po"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by fmmailgate05.web.de id i96DYoEt002838

# translation of usermin_1.090-1_de.po to German
#    Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
#    documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
#    this format, e.g. by running:
#         info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
#         info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
#    Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
#            /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
#         or http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf/README-trans#
#    Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
# Jens Nachtigall <nachtigall@web.de>, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: usermin_1.090-1_de\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-11-05 12:55+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2004-10-06 15:34+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Jens Nachtigall <nachtigall@web.de>\n"
"Language-Team: German <debian-l10n-german@lists.debian.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3DUTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"X-Generator: KBabel 1.3.1\n"
"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=3D2; plural=3D(n !=3D 1);\n"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../usermin.templates:4
msgid "Which hostname should be used by the web server?"
msgstr "Welcher Host-Name soll f=C3=BCr den Webserver verwendet werden?"


Received: (at 275183-close) by bugs.debian.org; 31 Mar 2005 13:10:27 +0000
>From katie@ftp-master.debian.org Thu Mar 31 05:10:27 2005
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	id 1DGzJN-0006oi-00; Thu, 31 Mar 2005 08:02:13 -0500
From: jaldhar@debian.org (Jaldhar H. Vyas)
To: 275183-close@bugs.debian.org
X-Katie: $Revision: 1.55 $
Subject: Bug#275183: fixed in usermin 1.110-2
Message-Id: <E1DGzJN-0006oi-00@newraff.debian.org>
Sender: Archive Administrator <katie@ftp-master.debian.org>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 08:02:13 -0500
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	autolearn=no version=2.60-bugs.debian.org_2005_01_02
X-CrossAssassin-Score: 2

Source: usermin
Source-Version: 1.110-2

We believe that the bug you reported is fixed in the latest version of
usermin, which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive:

  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-at_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-changepass_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-chfn_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-commands_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-cron_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-cshrc_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-fetchmail_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-forward_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-gnupg_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-htaccess_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-htpasswd_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-mailbox_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-man_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-mysql_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-plan_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-postgresql_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-proc_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-procmail_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-quota_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-schedule_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-shell_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-spamassassin_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-ssh_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-tunnel_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-updown_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin-usermount_1.110-2_all.deb
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin_1.110-2.diff.gz
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin_1.110-2.dsc
  to pool/main/u/usermin/usermin_1.110-2_all.deb

A summary of the changes between this version and the previous one is

Thank you for reporting the bug, which will now be closed.  If you
have further comments please address them to 275183@bugs.debian.org,
and the maintainer will reopen the bug report if appropriate.

Debian distribution maintenance software
Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@debian.org> (supplier of updated usermin package)

(This message was generated automatically at their request; if you
believe that there is a problem with it please contact the archive
administrators by mailing ftpmaster@debian.org)

Hash: SHA1

Format: 1.7
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 07:38:54 -0500
Source: usermin
Binary: usermin-commands usermin-postgresql usermin-procmail usermin-gnupg usermin-cshrc usermin-mysql usermin-ssh usermin-usermount usermin-tunnel usermin-mailbox usermin-spamassassin usermin-quota usermin-proc usermin-updown usermin-htaccess usermin-schedule usermin-cron usermin-plan usermin usermin-forward usermin-at usermin-chfn usermin-shell usermin-fetchmail usermin-man usermin-htpasswd usermin-changepass
Architecture: source all
Version: 1.110-2
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian Webmin maintainers <webmin-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Changed-By: Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@debian.org>
 usermin    - a web interface for user tasks
 usermin-at - an at(1) module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-changepass - a password module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-chfn - a user details module for the usermin web-based admin tool
 usermin-commands - a custom commands module for the usermin web-based admin tool
 usermin-cron - a cron module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-cshrc - a .cshrc module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-fetchmail - A fetchmail module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-forward - a .forward module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-gnupg - a GnuPG module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-htaccess - an htaccess config module for the usermin web-based admin tool
 usermin-htpasswd - an htpasswd config module for the usermin web-based admin tool
 usermin-mailbox - a mailbox module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-man - a man module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-mysql - a mysql module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-plan - a .plan module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-postgresql - a postgresql module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-proc - a process module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-procmail - a procmail module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-quota - a quota module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-schedule - schedule sending emails with the usermin web-based admin tool
 usermin-shell - a command shell for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-spamassassin - spamassassin module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-ssh - an SSH module for the usermin web-based administration tool
 usermin-tunnel - an HTTP tunnel module for the usermin web-based admin tool
 usermin-updown - a file transfer module for the usermin web-based admin tool
 usermin-usermount - a file system mount module for the usermin web-based admin tool
Closes: 275183 287696 295787
 usermin (1.110-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Added info to README.Debian on how to enable modules without
     webmin-usermin.  (Closes: #295787)  Thanks Charles Fry for
     the suggested text.
   * Czech translation for debconf.  (Closes: #287696)
     Thanks Miroslav Kure.
   * Update to German translation for debconf.  (Closes: #275183)
     Thanks Jens Nachtigall.
 0521078d27606bcf738345a9a17b7a56 1075 admin optional usermin_1.110-2.dsc
 986a66bd411e46c5f9935ad481564732 16222 admin optional usermin_1.110-2.diff.gz
 e16351a3cef34327fc2381e9d0eccefe 490862 admin optional usermin_1.110-2_all.deb
 8e477370a13e276a7c5990215dbb9a5c 21370 admin optional usermin-at_1.110-2_all.deb
 b8fa6364b3c9c6b4a52e53d69add33c9 18644 admin optional usermin-changepass_1.110-2_all.deb
 168bf41bbbeea76e1207016e38e495c4 13560 admin optional usermin-chfn_1.110-2_all.deb
 3dc12e8567d0a716305e0164768f7615 27466 admin optional usermin-commands_1.110-2_all.deb
 d03fd98eb531bd99069d0e2dd157781e 62362 admin optional usermin-cron_1.110-2_all.deb
 66b104fe44880e14987c10f384433b83 8662 admin optional usermin-cshrc_1.110-2_all.deb
 8a3f624dcfa584cddcc56f0f737c0064 36138 admin optional usermin-fetchmail_1.110-2_all.deb
 9850309e6ac43c78ce2ec3a2a5085c3c 28376 admin optional usermin-forward_1.110-2_all.deb
 e2f19bec6e7b4cf0078a85efc7803b95 32274 admin optional usermin-gnupg_1.110-2_all.deb
 ee205b8aaca7e84b2648df9f9b1dcf94 276642 admin optional usermin-htaccess_1.110-2_all.deb
 b35dc84f79205663df6509c822c2af35 20244 admin optional usermin-htpasswd_1.110-2_all.deb
 23866b62506ab37cffa3385a0ad507d8 174602 admin optional usermin-mailbox_1.110-2_all.deb
 33c3b846043a530df5334d4200517c55 36030 admin optional usermin-man_1.110-2_all.deb
 a373b32a17815ea2f0a707b180a69080 148472 admin optional usermin-mysql_1.110-2_all.deb
 824389ba908f7c3bf0bf09be45ba8c7e 10398 admin optional usermin-plan_1.110-2_all.deb
 1dc07319621d0d6e6bbecf8af2602a6a 121720 admin optional usermin-postgresql_1.110-2_all.deb
 ee715e1e3c2b8a7b94bf91afd76da60e 77514 admin optional usermin-proc_1.110-2_all.deb
 024ff8dfa9d9791189b899d7ac1741bd 26558 admin optional usermin-procmail_1.110-2_all.deb
 a809b9ce8f9efab0f96c4e800ea18de5 50520 admin optional usermin-quota_1.110-2_all.deb
 fe99e332b1a01766e13bbb2518a48e57 5972 admin optional usermin-schedule_1.110-2_all.deb
 01018a652cb74e08c44ebeba05f89162 61580 admin optional usermin-shell_1.110-2_all.deb
 2cedf4788f81bcc14a4d8d28a6e37ac9 88692 admin optional usermin-spamassassin_1.110-2_all.deb
 1992dc7d6cae90b4908d1c6a69f73693 47634 admin optional usermin-ssh_1.110-2_all.deb
 99e40e7fe453a48dc06c63811d26f9e3 11786 admin optional usermin-tunnel_1.110-2_all.deb
 d270dfc92a602a9e33241d56e5ef81cf 24026 admin optional usermin-updown_1.110-2_all.deb
 a08a9d461436b095787041dafa527519 90876 admin optional usermin-usermount_1.110-2_all.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)
