[Webmin-maintainers] Processed: l10n tagging

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Tue Feb 7 19:49:32 UTC 2006

Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:

> tags 326245 l10n
Bug#326245: tgif: broken Russian menus in UTF-8 locale
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 328207 l10n
Bug#328207: coreutils: translation bug in german version of sort(1)
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 330290 l10n
Bug#330290: INTL:ru,ua Russian and Ukrainian debconf translations
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 331142 l10n
Bug#331142: horde3: Choosing Danish (da_DK) produces mixture of English and Danish translation
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 332592 l10n
Bug#332592: Confusing string "Paquets dels qual depèn el %s" in catalan
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 333269 l10n
Bug#333269: sl: inconsistency in Japanese manpage section number
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336782 l10n
Bug#336782: Usermin-forward will not change language to German
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336793 l10n
Bug#336793: encfs: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336794 l10n
Bug#336794: gallery2: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
Tags were: upstream
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336795 l10n
Bug#336795: geda: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336796 l10n
Bug#336796: geda-gschem: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336798 l10n
Bug#336798: kronolith2: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
Tags were: upstream wontfix
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336799 l10n
Bug#336799: matchbox-panel: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336800 l10n
Bug#336800: mnemo2: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
Tags were: upstream wontfix
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336801 l10n
Bug#336801: pdbv: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336803 l10n
Bug#336803: schooltool: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336804 l10n
Bug#336804: schoolbell: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336805 l10n
Bug#336805: squirrelmail-locales: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
Tags were: upstream
Bug#336823: squirrelmail-locales: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336806 l10n
Bug#336806: wdm: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336811 l10n
Bug#336811: gallery2: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
Tags were: upstream
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336812 l10n
Bug#336812: horde3: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336813 l10n
Bug#336813: ms-sys: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336815 l10n
Bug#336815: chora2: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336816 l10n
Bug#336816: fvwm: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336818 l10n
Bug#336818: imp4: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336819 l10n
Bug#336819: ingo1: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
Tags were: upstream wontfix
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336820 l10n
Bug#336820: kronolith2: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
Tags were: upstream wontfix
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336821 l10n
Bug#336821: mnemo2: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
Tags were: upstream wontfix
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336822 l10n
Bug#336822: poedit: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336823 l10n
Bug#336823: squirrelmail-locales: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
Tags were: l10n upstream
Bug#336805: squirrelmail-locales: includes a fr_FR.po translation instead of fr.po
Tags added: l10n

> tags 336824 l10n
Bug#336824: turba2: includes a sv_SE.po translation instead of sv.po
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 337202 l10n
Bug#337202: Erroneous french translation
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 337762 l10n
Bug#337762: penguin-command: Japanese man page installed into wrong directory
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 337781 l10n
Bug#337781: ktouch: spelling error in german lecture
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 340060 l10n
Bug#340060: French debconf templates translation update
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 341295 l10n
Bug#341295: manpages-de-dev: Typo in the german lstat-manpage
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 341659 l10n
Bug#341659: trivial grammatical error in fr.po "this files"
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 342006 l10n
Bug#342006: gksu: German translation not complete
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 343196 l10n
Bug#343196: webalizer: In the swedish version, country Sweden is misplaced as Singapore
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 343465 l10n
Bug#343465: 'install -s -d foo' error message French translation is misleading.
Tags were: upstream confirmed
Tags added: l10n

> tags 345326 l10n
Bug#345326: vobcopy: German manual page corrections
Tags were: patch
Tags added: l10n

> tags 345639 l10n
Bug#345639: adduser: [INTL:de] prompt does not match expected response
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 347753 l10n
Bug#347753: [INTL:ro] Romanian translation update
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 347755 l10n
Bug#347755: [INTL:ro] Romanian translation update
Tags were: upstream
Tags added: l10n

> tags 349360 l10n
Bug#349360: gcompris: some german translations have no effect
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 349427 l10n
Bug#349427: aptitude: bad czech translation
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 349539 l10n
Bug#349539: [INTL:de] Initial German translation of apticron debconf messages
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 350026 l10n
Bug#350026: gucharmap: missing french translation
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 350118 l10n
Bug#350118: [INTL:nl] Aptitude updated Dutch translation
Tags were: patch
Tags added: l10n

> tags 350178 l10n
Bug#350178: lpe: issues in the German and French manpages
Tags were: patch
Tags added: l10n

> tags 351227 l10n
Bug#351227: [intl:fr] debconf po template translation
Tags were: pending
Tags added: l10n

> tags 351531 l10n
Bug#351531: contains 2 French manpage, need removing of aptitude.fr.8
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

> tags 351557 l10n
Bug#351557: German translation update and minor i18n improvements
Tags were: patch
Tags added: l10n

> tags 351753 l10n
Bug#351753: webalizer: Norwegian locale lists .no as Nepal
There were no tags set.
Tags added: l10n

End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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