[Women-website] dicts on d-w website, was: Language Negotiation and charsets

Jutta Wrage jw@witch.westfalen.de
Thu, 31 Mar 2005 10:24:35 +0200

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Am Donnerstag, 31.03.05 um 07:38 Uhr schrieb Thierry Reding:

> Alioth does have iconv. Maybe that could be included in the build 
> process of
> the dicts?

Maybe, we should find some place where to upload the sources and 
configs and someone rewrites the makedictutf8.pl so that it fits into 
the debian-women website?

Iconv will not help, if the program is not rewritten and it will not 
help to find moved css.
Beside that I would prefer using iconv to convert documents 
one-time-only and not on every build process (you will have to know the 
input charset always). If someone makes a decision to move one of the 
dictionary sources to another charset only the source file itself must 
be changed and the config for it (if it is not an unknown charset). If 
iconv is used the whole build process would have to be adjusted.

Beside that I see no need for using iconv. Seems to be more a principle 
question about "I want to stick to overwrite charsets."
For now I have changed the dict program many weeks ago to make it 
possible to create utf-8 only pages. That took some time and would not 
have been neccessary, if the .htaccess did not overwrite a given 




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