[Women-website] Re: d-w website

Luk Claes Luk.Claes@UGent.be
Mon, 23 May 2005 11:46:14 +0200 (MEST)

On Sun, 22 May 2005, Meike Reichle wrote:

> Hi all

Hi again

> * Open question:
> Concerning the dwwn, do we really need them? Or wouldn't it be enough to put official stuff in the news and internal discussions/announcements on the mailing list?

Aargh, acronyms: it's about the weekly news, not about the wiki :-)

The idea of a weekly news is good, but I think it is not needed. If there
are important thing they can be mentioned on the mailing list and the
website or even sended to dwn@debian.org.

