[Women-website] doctor data lists

donald Elmoreynzaejh at dgapartners.com
Tue Sep 25 05:29:24 UTC 2007

Only until Sep 28 - When you purchase the Physician List at the sale price you will also get Hospital, Nursing Home, Dentist and Chiropractor data at no additional cost

Licensed Physicians in the USA 

788,179 in total – 17,400 emails

Lots of Physicians in specialties like Orthopedics, Surgery, Radiology, Dermatology, Neurology, General Practice etc..

Over a dozen sortable fields

Special Price: $380

*** Get the 4 databases below as a bonus when you order the MD list above ***

American Hospitals
more than 23k hospital administrators in over 7k hospitals [worth over $300 alone)

US Dentist Contact List
More than half a million listings [worth $299 alone!]

Nursing Homes in the USA
includes over 31,589 Senior administrators, 11,288 Nursing Directors in over 14,706 Nursing Homes in the United States. (value: $249)

Directory of US Chiropractors
Complete data for all chiropractors in the USA (a $249 value)

email to: listdoc2007 at hotmail.com

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