[Xbubble-commits] xbubble/data/themes/plain/scripts bubble.h,NONE,1.1 convert-bubble.scm,NONE,1.1 explosion.h,NONE,1.1 render_bubbles.sh,NONE,1.1 scene.h,NONE,1.1
Martin Quinson
Mon, 06 Dec 2004 07:59:05 +0000
Update of /cvsroot/xbubble/xbubble/data/themes/plain/scripts
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv21563/data/themes/plain/scripts
Added Files:
bubble.h convert-bubble.scm explosion.h render_bubbles.sh
Log Message:
Import from savanah
--- NEW FILE: convert-bubble.scm ---
; GIMP script-fu
; Ivan Djelic <ivan@savannah.gnu.org>
; convert-bubble converts a povray-generated animation frame to an
; XBubble sprite PNG image.
(define (convert-bubble source dest static-bubble)
(set! image (car (gimp-file-load TRUE source source )))
(gimp-image-undo-disable image)
(set! layer (car (gimp-image-flatten image )))
(gimp-layer-add-alpha layer)
(gimp-by-color-select layer '(0 0 0) 0 REPLACE FALSE FALSE 0 FALSE)
(if (= static-bubble TRUE )
;; add a 2 pixel wide black border
(gimp-selection-invert image)
(gimp-selection-grow image 2)
(gimp-selection-invert image)))
(gimp-edit-cut layer)
(if (= static-bubble FALSE )
;; add a sparkle effect
(set! color '(127 127 127))
(gimp-palette-set-background color)
(set! layer (car (gimp-image-flatten image )))
(plug-in-sparkle TRUE image layer 0.001 0.5 20 4 -1 0.25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
(gimp-layer-add-alpha layer)
(gimp-by-color-select layer color 0 REPLACE FALSE FALSE 0 FALSE)
(gimp-edit-cut layer)))
(set! width 320)
(set! height 240)
(gimp-image-scale image width height)
(if (= static-bubble TRUE )
(plug-in-autocrop TRUE image layer)
;; ensure image size is right
(gimp-image-scale image 90 90)))
(if (= static-bubble FALSE )
;; dirty hack for computing translation required after auto-cropping
(set! pixel (cons-array 4 'byte))
(aset pixel 0 255)
(aset pixel 1 255)
(aset pixel 2 255)
(aset pixel 3 255)
;; put a white pixel in lower right corner and auto-crop
(gimp-drawable-set-pixel layer (- width 1) (- height 1) 4 pixel )
(plug-in-autocrop TRUE image layer)
(set! cx (- width (car (gimp-image-width image))))
(set! cy (- height (car (gimp-image-height image))))
(set! tx (- (/ width 2) cx ))
(set! ty (- (/ height 2) cy ))
(aset pixel 0 0)
(aset pixel 1 0)
(aset pixel 2 0)
(aset pixel 3 0)
;; erase pixel & auto-crop
(set! width (car (gimp-image-width image)))
(set! height (car (gimp-image-height image)))
(gimp-drawable-set-pixel layer (- width 1) (- height 1) 4 pixel )
(plug-in-autocrop TRUE image layer)
;; convert image to indexed palette (smaller size)
(gimp-convert-indexed image 2 MAKE-PALETTE 255 TRUE 0 "" )
;; ouput translation coordinates
(gimp-message (string-append (number->string tx) " "
(number->string ty)))))
(file-png-save TRUE image layer dest dest FALSE 9 0 0 0 0 0 )
(gimp-image-delete image))
--- NEW FILE: render_bubbles.sh ---
# Render bubble sprite frames using POV-Ray & the GIMP
colors="black blue red magenta brown green yellow white"
good_frames="02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09"
bad_frames="01 10"
s=$(( $( date +%s ) + 3600 ))
# Render explosions using POV-Ray
for color in $colors; do
cat scene.h > $script
echo "#declare bubble_color = pigment { pigment_$color }" >> $script
cat bubble.h >> $script
echo "#declare random_seed = $RANDOM" >> $script
cat explosion.h >> $script
povray -W$width -H$height +KFF$nb_frames -GA +V -I$script +FN -O$color
# Convert images with the GIMP
gimp_commands="$( cat convert-bubble.scm )"
for color in $colors; do
# use first frame as static bubble image
file=\"$( pwd )/${color}01.png\"
file2=\"$( pwd )/${color}.png\"
conversion="(convert-bubble $file $file2 1)"
gimp_commands="$gimp_commands $conversion"
for frame in $good_frames; do
file=\"$( pwd )/$color$frame.png\"
conversion="(convert-bubble $file $file 0)"
gimp_commands="$gimp_commands $conversion"
# GIMP batch call
echo "Invoking the GIMP..."
gimp -i -d -b "(begin $gimp_commands)" "(gimp-quit TRUE)" 2>&1 |\
# Make animation text files
for color in $colors; do
echo -n "converting $color "
echo "# Image file X Y delay" > $color.txt
echo "$color.png 45 45 40" >> $color.txt
for frame in $good_frames; do
read line
tx=$( echo $line | sed -e 's@[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\).*@\1@' )
ty=$( echo $line | sed -e 's@[^0-9]*[0-9]\+[^0-9]*\([0-9]\+\).*@\1@' )
echo "$color$frame.png $tx $ty 40" >> $color.txt
echo -n "."
# cleanup
rm -f $script
for color in $colors; do
for frame in $bad_frames; do
rm -f "$( pwd )/$color$frame.png"
t=$( date -d "$s seconds ago" +"%Hh%Mmn" )
echo "Rendering + conversion took $t."
--- NEW FILE: scene.h ---
// POV-Ray header for XBubble
#include "colors.inc"
#declare pigment_dead = pigment { color rgbf <0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.9> }
#declare pigment_black = pigment { color rgbf <0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.9> }
#declare pigment_blue = pigment { color rgbf < 0, 0.5, 1, 0.9> }
#declare pigment_magenta = pigment { color rgbf < 1, 0, 1, 0.9> }
#declare pigment_green = pigment { color rgbf < 0, 1, 0.2, 0.9> }
#declare pigment_red = pigment { color rgbf < 1, 0, 0, 0.9> }
#declare pigment_yellow = pigment { color rgbf < 1, 1, 0, 0.9> }
#declare pigment_brown = pigment { color rgbf < 1, 0.5, 0, 0.9> }
#declare pigment_white = pigment { color rgbf < 1, 1, 1, 0.9> }
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.3 ambient_light 1.0 }
camera {
location < 0, 0, -16.8 >
look_at < 0, 0, 0 >
light_source { <4, 5, -5> color White }
--- NEW FILE: bubble.h ---
// POV-Ray header for XBubble
#declare bubble_size = 6
#declare bubble =
object {
sphere { <0, 0, 0>, bubble_size/2 }
texture {
pigment { bubble_color }
finish {
ambient 2.0
diffuse 0.1
reflection 0.7
refraction 1
ior 1.45
specular 0.8
roughness 0.003
phong 1.0
phong_size 400
--- NEW FILE: explosion.h ---
// POV-Ray script for XBubble explosion
#declare R1 = seed( random_seed )
// number of pieces = resolution ^ 3
#declare resolution = 4
// start shrinking pieces when clock >= disappear
#declare disappear = 0.5
#if ( clock <= 0)
object { bubble }
#if ( clock < disappear )
#declare anim_scale = 1
#declare xx = ( clock - disappear )/( 1 - disappear )
#declare anim_scale = max( 0, 1 - xx*xx ) + .001
#declare piece_size = bubble_size / resolution;
#declare piece =
object {
box { < -0.5, -0.5, -0.5 >, < 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 > }
scale anim_scale * piece_size
#declare prange = 0.5 * bubble_size - 0.5 * piece_size
// rotation amplitude
#declare rotation = 120
// pieces velocity
#declare velocity = 1.0
union {
// loop on piece location
#declare px = -prange
#while ( px <= prange )
#declare py = -prange
#while ( py <= prange )
#declare pz = -prange
#while ( pz <= prange )
#declare vpiece = velocity * vnormalize( < px, py, pz > )
// add randomness in velocity length & direction
#declare perturbation = < rand(R1), rand(R1), rand(R1) > - 0.5
#declare vpiece = vpiece * ( 1 + 1.3*perturbation )
#declare perturbation = < rand(R1), rand(R1), rand(R1) > - 0.5
#declare vpiece = vrotate( vpiece, 40*perturbation )
// add randomness in rotation
#declare perturbation = < rand(R1), rand(R1), rand(R1) > - 0.5
#declare rpiece = rotation * (1 + perturbation )
// select a small piece of bubble
object {
clipped_by {
// add some randomness in piece size & orientation
scale ( 1 + 1.6*( < rand(R1), rand(R1), rand(R1) > - 0.5 ))
rotate 300 * ( 1 + ( < rand(R1), rand(R1), rand(R1) > - 0.5 ))
translate < px, py, pz >
// center piece for rotation
translate < -px, -py, -pz >
rotate rpiece * clock
// final translation
translate < px, py, pz > + ( vpiece * clock )
#declare pz = pz + piece_size
#declare py = py + piece_size
#declare px = px + piece_size
} // end of union