[Xbubble-devel] New location for the xbubble project
Martin Quinson
Mon, 6 Dec 2004 11:40:59 +0100
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you receive this email because you expressed some interest in the xbubble
game in the past.=20
After almost one year of inactivity on that front, I decided to move the
xbubble project from the savannah host to the alioth one for personal
convinience. I hope it will allow me to work on xbubble more efficiently.
The new main address is now:
On alioth, the CVS is populated, two mailing lists where created:
xbubble-commits@lists.alioth.debian.org For the commit logs, which will
hopefully be high volume, and xbubble-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org for the
dicussions. You can join these lists from the main page, and if you don't,
you'll never get any mail from me again.=20
Now, I'm not completely sure of what features I will implement in the
future. I was thinking about porting the game to SDL to remove all the Xlib
code and thus simplify the game. Yvan, would you allow me to rip off all you
xlib code?
I was thinking about a networking game, but I think that it would be easier
once the move to SDL is achieved.=20
I was thinking about cleaning up the theming code, but it should likewise
wait for the SDL move.
I was thinking about chain reactions, but I have some theoretical issues
over there. When you play enouth with fb, you see some bugs at this level. I
think I understood where they come from, but I didn't found how to fix them
yet. Arnaud, you're my usual theoritical guru ...
If you have any new ideas, they are more than welcome. Join the
xbubble-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org mailing list, and step into the
Likewise, if you want to help me in the future development of xbubble,
please create a user account on alioth so that I can add you to the
developer list, and speak up on the -devel list.
Thanks for your attention, and sorry if you didn't want to hear about this
game anymore.
Bye, Mt.
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