Bug#416927: Processed: Re: [Yaird-devel] Processed: Re: Bug#410836: upstart: Option --debug described in README.Debian.gz does not work with yaird

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Sun Apr 1 18:59:23 UTC 2007

Hi Jonas,

Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Michael Biebl wrote:
>> The "--debug" commandline option works fine with initramfs-tools and if
>> you don't use a initramfs. So this problem only occurs with yaird.
>> That's why I think yaird is at fault here. yaird should simply pass
>> unknown cmdline options to the /sbin/init process imho.
> I do understand that to be your opinion. Thanks for the more detailed
> explanation.
> As I wrote, I believe there is two different bugs here.
> If you disagree, then simply close bug#410836 explaining why you believe
> it not to be a bug, and allow me to handle bug#416927.

It's absolutely not a problem for me to add a note to README.Debian
about the issue with yaird not passing the --debug flag to init and I'll
add it in the next revision.
I just think yaird should at least handle such a case more gracefully.
So, instead of killing (or not starting) /sbin/init,
yaird could filter out unknown boot options, print a warning message to
stdout like
"WARNING: unknown boot option $foo. Proceeding..."
and just go on. Leaving an unbootable system is not very userfriendly.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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