[Yaird-devel] Bug#457177: Bug#457177: Bug#457177: Bug#457177: keep yaird out of Testing
Sven Luther
sven at powerlinux.fr
Sun Dec 23 09:19:15 UTC 2007
On Sun, Dec 23, 2007 at 10:04:20AM +0100, Marco Amadori wrote:
> Alle sabato 22 dicembre 2007, Sven Luther ha scritto:
> > > Unfortunatly, I have to agree from a release team POV (i.e. speaking
> > > with my Release Manager hat on) with maks on the general status of the
> > > package, especially as maks spoke with his kernel arch maintainer hat
> > > on (so his remarks shouldn't be lightly waived away).
> >
> > Andreas, face it, Max speaks as a strong supporter of initramfs-tools,
> > the concurent of yaird, and has shown real antagonism and agressivity
> > toward yaird since the begining of the initrd->initramfs migration.
> > [..others personal issues..]
> False, I remember those days too, Max was only techically concerned about the
> migration. Nothing personal.
Yeah, you didn't see him insult me one sunday evening on irc though, but
then he was probably drunk or something, since he didn't remember it the
next day.
Furthermore, even if he made it look technical, his wording was of such
an agressive and offensive kind, that you could see
> Keep the discussion technical please.
Right, funny, how i should keep it technical, but everyone else is
allowed to be personal and non-technical against me. I wonder what
technical ground was given by the kernel team to expule me from it, just
because i wanted to add PS3 and efika support to the kernel (see
#439006). Nor how they can justify on technical grounds why those
patches are acceptable from everyone but me ?
But then, what can you expect from a fascist organisation which believes
in censorship and repression ? And with the vaste majority of DDs (you
included) accepting this ?
> Yaird is nice to have in sid, I personally contributed 2 patches upstream,
> evms and dmraid (the latter unmerged), but for our users is better to keep it
> out from lenny, at least until those bugs could be fixed.
Marco, do you feel that Jonas asking for discussion of these issues at
the individual bug report level is non-warranted ? Can you give a
serious technical reason for not following good debian bug reporting
practices here ?
Sven Luther
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