[Yaird-devel] Bug#457177: Severity wars are not acceptable

Don Armstrong don at debian.org
Mon Dec 24 01:21:00 UTC 2007

It appears that I need to underline again who is reponsible for
setting the severity of bugs (and indeed, any control@ modifiable

If you are not the maintainer, nor a release manager, you do not have
the authority to override the severity that a maintainer has assigned
a bug. If you are fighting with the maintainer's jugement by use of
control, you are *always* in the wrong. Continuing to do so will
result in owner at bugs.debian.org restricting your use of control.

If you believe the maintainer has chosen the wrong severity, you have
one remedy: convince a release manager (or tech ctte) that the proper
severity is (or is not) RC. The release manager (or tech ctte) can
then set the severity to a severity which is (or is not) RC. [The
maintainer can still adjust the absolutely severity after such a
point, so long as it remains RC (or not RC).]

At the point at which you and the maintainer disagree, you will note
that none of the further steps involve you altering the severity of a

Don Armstrong

Do not handicap your children by making their lives easy.
 -- Robert Heinlein _Time Enough For Love_ p251

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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