[Yaird-devel] Bug#443821: yaird fails to handle sys/class/input in 2.6.23

Tobias Gerschner tobias.gerschner at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 19:08:05 UTC 2007

I just had a look at Input.pm and that check ( unless .... )

     56                 my $hw = readlink ($devLink);
     57                 if (defined ($hw)) {
     58                         unless ($hw =~ s!^(\.\./)+devices/!!) {
     59                                 # imagine localised linux
(/sys/geraete ...)
     60                                 Base::fatal ("bad device link
in $devLink");
     61                         }
     62                         $self->{hw} = $hw;
     63                 }

surely does not apply anymore.  It fails with this check 'Base::fatal
("bad device link in $devLink")'

However I failed to figure out what you're trying to achieve with that
check.  What are you trying to confirm with this check in the end ? I
have a bit of a feeling that the whole check might be obsolete , but I
am not sure.

For now I made the INPUT module optional in ( /etc/yaird/Default.cfg )
which does the trick. But this is surely a bad workaround.


Tobias Gerschner
Member of Board of Yoper Linux Ltd. NZ

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.

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