[Yaird-devel] Bug#457467: Bug#457467: failures due to changed kernel interfaces is a feature, not a bug

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Tue Jan 22 11:49:44 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 07:42:26PM +0100, maximilian attems wrote:
>> Yaird tries very hard to only only build initial ramdisks that it is 
>> confident will work. This causes failure each time the kernel changes 
>> its boot-related hints in /sys or other places needed to safely 
>> resolve booting needs of the new kernel from a running kernel.
>> It is not true that yaird "breaks on every new kernel".
>yaird breaks on every new kernel, just experienced as i wanted to let 
>you know another important failure:

You may have experienced some bug happening on a new kernel but not on 
older ones. But that is not the same as "breaks on every new kernel".

Possibly nitpicking to you, but would you agree to rename this bug as 
"yaird frequently breaks on changed kernel interfaces"?

>> Current behaviour is a careful design decision, not a bug.
>your target is Linux and not solaris. if you design only for your past 
>users you have lost. Linux is a fast moving target.

I fail to see what yaird and this bug has to do with solaris. If you 
mean the operating system by SUN Microsystems, then it cannot even use 
the Linux kernel AFAIK.

>this bug is of an rc severity as hinted by the debian testing rm.

No it is not. I suspect you confuse this with bug#457177.

>it is strictly unreasoned that each linux kernel release has to break 
>the initramfs generator.

Indeed. And it is not the case for yaird.

It is, however, quite reasonable for an initramfs generator to break on 
changes to kernel interfaces needed to resolve initially mounting the 
root filesystem after boot.

Yaird probes kernel interfaces at build time (rather than using separate 
tools and databases and including probe logic to be executed at boot 
time, like initramfs-tools). This is a design decision, not a bug.

  - Jonas

- -- 
Jonas Smedegaard   <jonas at jones.dk>   http://www.jones.dk/~jonas/
IT-guide dr. Jones    <dr at jones.dk>   http://dr.jones.dk/    +45 40843136
Debian GNU/Linux    <js at debian.org>   http://www.debian.org/
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