[Yast4debian-devel] Yet another YaST4Debian IRC meeting

Mario Fux foxman@lugo.ch
Fri, 22 Apr 2005 14:50:52 +0200

Am Freitag, 22. April 2005 14.04 schrieb Stanislav Višňovský:


> > > To me it would be ok the 24th at night (between 20:00 and 00:00 / 18:00
> > > and 20:00 UTC). But I'd like to wait until everyone has suggested
> > > its proposal (may be another weekend or a week day at night).
> >
> > Ok, I think we make the IRC meeting on Sunday, 24th (23:00/21:00 UTC) in
> > #debian-desktop (or #yast4debian).
> What's the IRC server/network?

freenode.net. See also:

> I will try to be there - I hope it's 23:00 CET ;)

This would be great.

> Stano
