[Yast4debian-devel] Date suggestions for a the next IRC meeting

Mario Fux foxman at lugo.ch
Sun Oct 23 17:04:00 UTC 2005

Good morning

I have got my last exam on the next Tuesday and that's way I find some time to 
look into the closer future.

As I wrote in another mail we should make another meeting to see where we are 
and the say where we want to go.

So I suggest the following weekends:

- 29 - 30 October  2005
-  5 -  6 November 2005
- 12 - 13 November 2005

What do you think? When is it ok for you?

It would be great to have at least Jaldhar, pikota, Ramon and one of the 
SuSE/Novell guys (Jens, Klaus or Stano) there.

Further I'd like to separate the meeting into two parts. The first about 
yast4debian and the second about yast ports in general (as there are some 
interersted people).

Greets out of the Alpes

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