[Yast4debian-devel] Re: Yast4Debian

Ramon Acedo ramon at linux-labs.net
Tue Jul 11 17:33:44 UTC 2006

Hi Felipe!

thanks for your interest in the project. The status of the project was
it started to work with the old version of YaST and some modules. 

Now the YaST source code has changed a lot and is divided in "layers" 
as far as I know it should be easier to port it to other distributions
I haven't checked the new code.

The first thing to try again would be to compile the new code under

In the list
(I'm sending this email to the list), there are some guys developing
YaST for SuSE .

In the list there are also some Debian Developers interested in helping
to package
once we have something ready to use.

You can find the sources here:
but you can also download the src.rpm from the official SuSE repository.

Thanks for your interest!


El lun, 10-07-2006 a las 17:04 -0400, Felipe Sateler escribió:
> Hi. I'm really sad the project has been stalled, as I think it can be very 
> useful. So I'm trying to help, and may have time to actually try some things 
> out. However, I'm a bit lost on the status of the project: What has exactly 
> been done? How do the sources from the project differ from upstreams? The 
> sources available for download at the project site were modified, or are the 
> originals and need to be patched? Is there a cvs/svn/whatever repository?
> I hope I can work on this, since I find it very interesting, but there are 
> many things I need to get used to first (like, the source :p). 
> Thanks for your time.
> PS: I hope I didn't sound too rude with so many questions, it was not my 
> intention.

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