[Aakash-hackers] Bootstrapping for Aakash

Pirate Praveen praveen at autistici.org
Sun Feb 2 07:51:03 UTC 2014

On Sunday 02 February 2014 05:12 AM, Srikant wrote:
> Hello Vasudev and others, 
> 1. We were unable to install LIMA previously. Yes, it would be good to
> have a Debian package.
>     Also, we need to do following (no particular order, based on recall):
>     a) Enable camera
>     b) Suspend to RAM
>     c) sleep (screen off, not display off with backlight on)
>     d) Wifi discovery issue (unable to connect same network)
>     e) Battery monitor(works only in 13.10)
>     f) Touchscreen driver for gsl1680 and one more (@Sachin, do you
> remember ?)
>     g) Touchscreen issues, enable long press right click in gt811 and ft5x
>     h) Boot logo in Uboot, it takes around ~3s to get kernel logo
>     i)  Freeing 128MB reserved memory for MALI 
>     j) One image for all variants of Aakash (same specs, different
> touchscreens, 5 so far)

I think we should enable task tracking and track each issue separately.
Some issues could be filed as bugs directly against respective packages.

> 2. Yes, we will make bootstrap rootfs. We should discuss about what DE
> we should provide     
>     this time. Previously, it was badly customized LXDE. Should we
> continue with that? or, shall we 
>     invest time and resources on a better touch optimized DE, say fork
> of LXDE or E18. There is 
>     plasma-active for tablets, but its KDE, quite heavy for 512MB RAM.
> Basically, we should
>     have at least good virtual keyboard which should popup
> automatically, touch optimized  
>     window manager, and of course RAM efficient. If you suggest, let's
> create a separate topic for
>     this ?
>     Also, would you recommend to us to go with Debian-Jessie or Wheezy.
> Manoj found a good 
>     comparison [1].
> So far we don't have any special repository to enable. 
> [1] http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_1404_jessie&num=1
> Srikant
> On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 8:32 PM, Vasudev Kamath <kamathvasudev at gmail.com
> <mailto:kamathvasudev at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Srikant and others,
>     So I'm just wondering what are the requirements at the momemnt you
>     people are looking to get Debian on Aakash running.
>     1. We came to know from Srikant that LIMA drivers need to be ported to
>       A13 alwinner SOC but from one of our Debian collegue (Paul Wise) LIMA
>       already supports Alwinner A13 SOC. So do you want it to be
>     packaged for
>       Debian?
>     2. Also we need to go ahead and bootstrap the rootfs for Aakash so if
>        you have any specific customization in mind do let us know. We have
>        Jonas who is specialist in Debian Pure blends and he can give us
>        hints on how to go ahead.
>     Looking forward for your reply.
>     PS: If you have any source code which you want to share we can enable
>     the source repositories for this project and it can be pushed to Git
>     repositories provided by Debian. Let me know if you need this and I will
>     enable it.
>     Cheers,
>     --
>     Vasudev Kamath
>     http://copyninja.info
>     Connect on ~friendica: copyninja@{frndk.de <http://frndk.de> |
>     vasudev.homelinux.net <http://vasudev.homelinux.net>}
>     IRC nick: copyninja | vasudev {irc.oftc.net <http://irc.oftc.net> |
>     irc.freenode.net <http://irc.freenode.net>}
>     GPG Key: C517 C25D E408 759D 98A4  C96B 6C8F 74AE 8770 0B7E
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