[Advacs-discuss] Uploading

John Hasler john@dhh.gt.org
Thu, 12 Aug 2004 08:11:11 -0500

I wrote:
> How do I upload a file (a tarball) to the project?

Oliver writes:
> It depends what it is.  The files section has an upload page, but that is
> for stuff we are releasing; I hardly think we've got that far.

I can't get to it, but my tarball may not belong there anyway.

> At this stage I would expect everything to go into the CVS tree.
> Could you explain further?

I have a tarball of my old accounting system project I want to upload.
It's a toy, really, and doesn't contain any code we would want to actually
use but it does illustrate some ideas of mine.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI