[Advacs-discuss] Modules

Oliver Elphick olly@lfix.co.uk
Wed, 01 Sep 2004 12:57:39 +0100

On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 08:45, David Palmer wrote:
> Helmut Wollmersdorfer wrote:
> > David Palmer wrote:
> >
> >> Is it possible to create the modules as separate packages, to be 
> >> downloaded as each scenario requires them?
> >> That is, create the GL as a separate base module/package, and then 
> >> create all other modules as add-ons.
> >
> >
> > It is possible to use the GL without all the other modules.
> > But most companies need Sales Ledger, Purchase Ledger and Cash Book.
> > The core modules should be in one package for convenience of 
> > installation. Additional and national modules can be in extra packages.
> >
> Yes, that's what I was thinking.
> Make the 'base' module what a typical home-based business would need, 
> planning for the expansion into enterprise requirement while doing so. 
> In this way we could develop a scenario whereby even ecommerce could be 
> hooked directly into the accounts structure (sales ledger?). This is a 
> factor that even small business is actioning these days.

My intention is to have GL as the necessary core and every other module
optional.  The typical small business would also need CB, SL and PL
(cashbook, sales ledger (AR) and purchase ledger (AP)).  Others can be
added as the level of sophistication and need increases.

Some modules may depend on others than just the core.  So e-commerce
would need the sales order module, which in turn needs stock control and
sales ledger.
