[Advacs-discuss] Latest CVS updates

David Palmer davidpalmer@westnet.com.au
Sun, 05 Sep 2004 20:34:17 +0800

Oliver Elphick wrote:

>  I now have buildable SQL for these modules:
>  GL General Ledger CB Cashbook SL Sales Ledger PL Purchase Ledger
>  Obviously this is by no means final, but I should be grateful if
>  people would download from CVS and attempt an installation.
>  You need postgresql 7.4 and postgresql-client installed.

Unfortunately, as I have recently made the giant step from apt-get to 
aptitude, this has been about my limit. I have checked as I thought that 
I would need make, and it is installed so it must be part of the base 
I will get on top of this and CVS, but along with other 
responsibilities, I regret that I'm not going to be of much use in this 
regard initially.

>  Download the sql module and start in sql/GL. Each Makefile provides
>  these targets: all, install, clean and purge:
>  all creates the SQL script install does "all" and "purge" and then
>  runs the SQL script to create the schema clean removes the SQL script
>  and the auxiliary files used to create it purge does "clean" and
>  also drops the schema
>  Do "make install" in each module (sql/GL sql/CB sql/PL sql/SL) Each
>  install should run without errors; if you hit any problems, let me
>  know.
>  You need to set the search_path so as to see all the schemas. Run
>  the following command (all on one line):
>  psql -d advacs -c "ALTER DATABASE advacs SET SEARCH_PATH TO
>  sl,pl,cb,gl,core,public"
>  Then take a look at the schema and consider what might be missing.

This is something else, complete with scary music.
I've read up on make, by way of Pinfo, but there's a bit of a quantum 
leap between here and there.
I will get on top of it, but at the moment I'll be (slightly) more 
functional with the docs. 

I'm working on html at the moment, and as each stage materialises I'll 
forward it to the group for perusal/approval. That's if there's no 
restriction on file sizes/types on the list, and then perhaps someone 
could handle the upload for me.
I started off writing something before I realised how much Oliver had 
done in this regard. A lot of what I had written was superfluous, but 
I've put in a little of what I have done where I thought it might not 
have over application, and that will be ready soon.

I thought that I would do the main documentation first in html, as xml 
can be nested within that environment, and things like man pages are 
summaries of the main docs.
This might help you, Helmut, if I handle the writing and format, all you 
will need to do is the translation.

Not being able to download and run is a bit of a handicap as far as 
writing documentation for something, though.
I might have to bother you people with some questions.
It won't be too bad, I'm no accountant, but very familiar with aspects 
such as cash/stock balance imprest systems and production costings.
