[Apt-listbugs-commits] [SCM] apt-listbugs development tree branch, master, updated. apt-listbugs/0.1.7-3-ge5b71b8

Francesco Poli (wintermute) invernomuto at paranoici.org
Mon Jul 16 22:02:37 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit e5b71b8c53037a34094cd7948f8997167ee23320
Author: Francesco Poli (wintermute) <invernomuto at paranoici.org>
Date:   Mon Jul 16 23:56:25 2012 +0200

    improve English texts
    Thanks to the help of Justin B Rye on the debian-l10n-english mailing
    list, the English language of translatable strings was reviewed and
    amended. The README.Debian file and the man page were also improved.

diff --git a/apt-listbugs b/apt-listbugs
index f48e878..f51b821 100755
--- a/apt-listbugs
+++ b/apt-listbugs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ apt-listbugs [options] <command> [arguments]
 apt-listbugs is a tool which retrieves bug reports from the Debian
-Bug Tracking System and lists them. Especially, it is intended to
+Bug Tracking System and lists them. In particular, it is intended to
 be invoked before each upgrade by apt, or other similar package managers,
 in order to check whether the upgrade/installation is safe. 
@@ -56,23 +56,23 @@ apt-listbugs [-h] [-v] [-s <severities>] [-T <tags>] [-S <stats>] [-B <bug#>] [-
 * -s <severities> | --severity <severities>
-  Severities you want to see separated by comma, possible values are critical, grave, serious, important, normal, minor and wishlist. Default: [critical,grave,serious]
+  Severities you want to see, separated by commas; possible values are critical, grave, serious, important, normal, minor and wishlist. Default: [critical,grave,serious]
   You can specify '--severity all' to specify all severities.
 * -T <tags> | --tag <tags>
-  Tags you want to see separated by comma. 
+  Tags you want to see, separated by commas. 
 * -S <stats> | --stats <stats>
-  Status you want to see separated by comma. Default: [forwarded,done,pending,pending-fixed]
+  Status you want to see, separated by commas. Default: [forwarded,done,pending,pending-fixed]
-  Note that 'pending' does not mean 'tagged pending', but 'still open, pending to be fixed'.
+  Note that 'pending' does not mean 'tagged pending', but 'still open, pending a fix'.
 * -B <bug#> | --bugs <bug#>
   By default, apt-listbugs will consider all bugs.
-  This option adds a restriction to the bug numbers you want to see separated by commas
+  This option adds a restriction to the bug numbers you want to see, separated by commas
   (e.g. 123456,567890,135792).  If this option is specified, all other
   bugs will be ignored.
@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@ apt-listbugs [-h] [-v] [-s <severities>] [-T <tags>] [-S <stats>] [-B <bug#>] [-
 * -H <hostname> | --hostname <hostname>
-  Specifies the hostname of Debian Bug Tracking System [bugs.debian.org].
+  Specifies the hostname of the Debian Bug Tracking System [bugs.debian.org].
 * -p <port> | --port <port>
-  Specifies the port number of the web interface of Debian Bug Tracking System [80].
+  Specifies the port number of the web interface of the Debian Bug Tracking System [80].
 * -P <priority> | --pin-priority <priority>
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ apt-listbugs [-h] [-v] [-s <severities>] [-T <tags>] [-S <stats>] [-B <bug#>] [-
 * -E <title> | --title <title>
-  Specifies the title of rss output.
+  Specifies the title of RSS output.
 * -q | --quiet
@@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ apt-listbugs [-h] [-v] [-s <severities>] [-T <tags>] [-S <stats>] [-B <bug#>] [-
 * apt
   Reads package actions from standard input (typically provided by apt
-  or other compatible package manager: Pre-Install-Pkgs hook info
-  protocol version 2 is expected, see apt.conf(5) for more details).
+  or other compatible package manager; Pre-Install-Pkgs hook info
+  protocol version 2 is expected - see apt.conf(5) for more details).
 * list [<package1[/version]> <package2[/version]>...]
@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ apt-listbugs [-h] [-v] [-s <severities>] [-T <tags>] [-S <stats>] [-B <bug#>] [-
 * rss [<package1[/version]> <package2[/version]>...]
   Reads package names from the arguments and lists bugs of these packages
-  in rss format. Again, package versions may be specified with a slash.
+  in RSS format. Again, package versions may be specified with a slash.
-  If this variable is set to "none" apt-listbugs will not execute at all, 
+  If this variable is set to "none", apt-listbugs will not execute at all;
   this might be useful if you would like to script the use of a program that
   calls apt-listbugs.
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ notable configuration options are
   Bugs to ignore when in apt mode. I would suggest setting this to
   "FTBFS" since those bugs tend to not affect the user, but this
-  defaults to nothing. This will be evaluated using ruby regular
+  defaults to nothing. This will be evaluated using Ruby regular
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ when "apt"
-          $stderr.print _("E: apt Pre-Install-Pkgs is giving me an unknown direction of version change.\n")
+          $stderr.print _("E: apt Pre-Install-Pkgs is giving me an invalid direction of version change.\n")
           exit 1
@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ when "rss"
   viewer = Viewer::RSSViewer.new(config)
 if viewer.view(new_pkgs, cur_pkgs, bugs) == false
-  ErrorWarning =  _("****** Exit with an error by force in order to stop the installation. ******")
+  ErrorWarning =  _("****** Exiting with an error in order to stop the installation. ******")
   ErrorWarningHeader = "*" * ErrorWarning.length
   config.frontend.puts ErrorWarningHeader
   config.frontend.puts ErrorWarning
diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
index 318a498..f6a5b34 100644
--- a/debian/README.Debian
+++ b/debian/README.Debian
@@ -7,24 +7,24 @@ Introduction
 apt-listbugs is a tool which retrieves bug reports from the Debian
-Bug Tracking System and lists them. Especially, it is intended to
+Bug Tracking System and lists them. In particular, it is intended to
 be invoked before each upgrade by apt, or other similar package managers,
 in order to check whether the upgrade/installation is safe.
-Most Debian developers use the unstable version of Debian,
-and some users also use it, because this version is the latest
-snapshot which includes many features and new packages.
+Most Debian developers, and some users, use the unstable version of
+Debian, because this version is the latest snapshot which includes many
+new features and packages.
 apt is a great and convenient tool to let your system easily track the
 latest package versions from unstable.
-On the other hand, this possibility also makes your system
-break easily. If a broken package is uploaded to Debian unstable,
+On the other hand, this capability can also make your system
+fragile. If a broken package is uploaded to Debian unstable,
 the package will soon get installed on many Debian systems.
 The same reasoning holds for the testing version of Debian, even
 though to a smaller extent.
-apt-listbugs may be helpful by warning its users about bugs in packages
+apt-listbugs can help by warning its users about bugs in packages
 which are about to be installed/upgraded and by giving the opportunity
 to avoid or defer an unsafe installation/upgrade.
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ pinning is not effective immediately, and requires restarting your apt
 The pinning will be removed by a cron.daily job, when the bugs no longer
-affect the package candidate version.
+affect the candidate version of the package.
 If you install www-browser, you can view bug lists in HTML.
 sensible-browser from the sensible-utils package is also available.
@@ -57,22 +57,22 @@ Need for a controlling terminal (/dev/tty)
 apt-listbugs requires a controlling terminal for user interaction.
-It will default to non-interactive failure mode, if its standard output
+It will default to non-interactive failure mode if its standard output
 is not a tty.
-When the command is "apt", apt-listbugs will also default to
-non-interactive failure mode, if it cannot open /dev/tty .
+apt-listbugs will also default to non-interactive failure mode if it
+cannot open /dev/tty when running under an apt session.
 This may happen when apt-listbugs is (directly or indirectly) invoked
-inside an  su -c "command" : commands invoked this way will have no
-controlling terminal, because of a security fix applied to package
+inside su -c "command"; commands invoked this way will have no
+controlling terminal, because of a security fix applied to the package
 login from version 1:4.1.5-1 on (see bug #628843). Hence, if you want
 to use apt-listbugs interactively, please do *not* invoke it (or the
-package manager that will invoke it) through the  su -c "command"
+package manager that will invoke it) through the su -c "command"
 Also, please note that some package managers (such as aptitude, wajig,
-and possibly other ones), when run as a regular user, tend to gain root
-privileges through the  su -c "command"  mechanism, for the actions that
+and possibly others), when run as a regular user, tend to gain root
+privileges through the su -c "command" mechanism, for the actions that
 need these privileges.
 Hence, if you want to use apt-listbugs interactively, please become root
 *before* invoking the package manager, as in:
@@ -95,13 +95,13 @@ There is a problem with packages which have source-version and
 binary-version mismatch. The BTS tracks the source version, while
 apt-listbugs tracks the binary version. This conflict results in
 version tracking not functioning for such packages. A popular example
-of such package is gcc.
+of such a package is gcc.
-apt-cacher / apt-cacher-ng and proxy configuration
+apt-cacher/apt-cacher-ng and proxy configuration
-When installing apt-cacher / apt-cacher-ng with proxy configuration,
+When installing apt-cacher or apt-cacher-ng with proxy configuration,
 you will have configured apt proxy settings to use apt-cacher.
 apt-listbugs will also use that configuration, and since apt-cacher
 won't handle POST requests directed to the BTS, it will fail.
@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ With its default configuration, apt-listbugs will stop any
 automatic installation or upgrade, whenever the packages to be
 installed or upgraded are affected by RC bugs.
-If this is the desired behavior, no special action is needed: you may
+If this is the desired behavior, no special action is needed; you may
 safely skip the rest of this section.
 On the other hand, if you want apt-listbugs to merely show bugs,
 without stopping the installation/upgrade process, you can obtain this
-behavior, by editing /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10apt-listbugs to add the yes
+behavior by editing /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10apt-listbugs to add the "yes"
 option "-y": the following line
     DPkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs {"/usr/sbin/apt-listbugs apt || exit 10";};
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ actually be fixed), but marked as affecting package A, by using the
 "affects" BTS command.
 Nonetheless, apt-listbugs currently ignores the "affects" field.
 In other words, when examining the bugs of package A, apt-listbugs
-does not take bugs affecting A into account: it only looks at the bugs
+does not take bugs affecting A into account; it only looks at the bugs
 actually assigned to A.
 This is intentional, for the reasons explained below.
@@ -175,12 +175,12 @@ marked as affecting package A, this may correspond to one of two
 possible scenarios:
  0) the bug is actually present in B/b1, but causes breakage in
-    package A, hence, do not upgrade to B/b1, if you want to avoid
+    package A; hence, do not upgrade to B/b1 if you want to avoid
     breaking package A
  1) the bug is actually present in B/b1, but only shows up when a
-    given version (say, a1) of package A is installed, hence, do not
-    upgrade to A/a1, if you want to prevent the bug in package B from
+    given version (say, a1) of package A is installed; hence, do not
+    upgrade to A/a1 if you want to prevent the bug in package B from
     showing up
 In scenario 0, we should not stop an upgrade (or an installation) of
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ Anyway, please take into account that this strategy is sub-optimal
 and may annoy some package maintainers!
 Everything said so far holds for the apt-listbugs "apt" command.
-The other apt-listbugs commands ("list" and "rss") should behave
+The other apt-listbugs commands ("list" and "rss") need to behave
 consistently, or otherwise they will produce misleading output.
 Please note that scenario 1 could be dealt with differently, if
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index f06140b..c9bccf5 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ apt-listbugs (0.1.8) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * improved internationalization
   * fixed ""non-interactive failure mode" message is unclear": clarified
     which README.Debian should be consulted (Closes: #681037)
+  * improved English texts, thanks to Justin B Rye!
  -- Francesco Poli (wintermute) <invernomuto at paranoici.org>  Sat, 07 Jul 2012 23:05:28 +0200
diff --git a/lib/apt-listbugs/logic.rb b/lib/apt-listbugs/logic.rb
index 5596592..2df91d2 100644
--- a/lib/apt-listbugs/logic.rb
+++ b/lib/apt-listbugs/logic.rb
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ class AppConfig
       sprintf(_(" -H <hostname>    : Hostname of Debian Bug Tracking System [%s].\n"), @hostname),
       sprintf(_(" -p <port>        : Port number of the server [%s].\n"), @port),
       sprintf(_(" -P <priority>    : Specifies Pin-Priority value [%s].\n"), @pin_priority),
-      _(" -E <title>       : Specifies the title of rss output.\n"),
+      _(" -E <title>       : Specifies the title of RSS output.\n"),
       _(" -q               : Don't display progress bar.\n"),
       _(" -C <apt.conf>    : Specify apt.conf.\n"),
       _(" -y               : Assume that you select yes for all questions.\n"),
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class AppConfig
       _(" apt              : Apt mode.\n"),
       _(" list <pkg...>    : List bug reports of the specified packages.\n"),
-      _(" rss <pkg...>     : List bug reports of the specified packages in rss.\n"),
+      _(" rss <pkg...>     : List bug reports of the specified packages in RSS.\n"),
       _("See the manual page for the long options.\n")
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ class AppConfig
         test_tty.close if test_tty
         if @yes.nil?
-          $stderr.puts _("W: cannot open /dev/tty: running inside su -c \"command\"? switching to non-interactive failure mode, please see /usr/share/doc/apt-listbugs/README.Debian.gz")
+          $stderr.puts _("W: cannot open /dev/tty - running inside su -c \"command\"? Switching to non-interactive failure mode (see /usr/share/doc/apt-listbugs/README.Debian.gz)")
           @yes = false
         @quiet = true
@@ -465,17 +465,17 @@ class Viewer
 	  if hold_pkgs.empty?
 	    @config.frontend.puts "" +
-              _("     y     - continue the apt installation, but do not make the bugs ignored.\n") +
-              _("     a     - continue the apt installation and make all the above bugs ignored.\n")
+              _("     y     - continue the apt installation, but do not mark the bugs as ignored.\n") +
+              _("     a     - continue the apt installation and mark all the above bugs as ignored.\n")
 	  @config.frontend.puts "" +
 	    _("     n     - stop the apt installation.\n") +
 	    _("   <num>   - query the specified bug number (requires reportbug).\n") +
 	    _("  #<num>   - same as <num>\n") +
 	    _("     r     - redisplay bug lists.\n") +
-	    _(" p <pkg..> - make pkgs pinned: need to restart apt to enable.\n") +
-	    _(" p         - make all the above pkgs pinned: need to restart.\n") +
-	    _(" i <num>   - make bug number <num> ignored.\n") +
+	    _(" p <pkg..> - pin pkgs (restart APT session to enable).\n") +
+	    _(" p         - pin all the above pkgs (restart APT session to enable).\n") +
+	    _(" i <num>   - mark bug number <num> as ignored.\n") +
 	    _("     ?     - print this help.\n")
 	  if @config.browser != nil
 	    @config.frontend.puts sprintf(_("     w     - display bug lists in HTML (uses %s).\n"), File.basename(@config.browser))
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ class Viewer
       if holdstr != ""
         File.open("/etc/apt/preferences", "a") { |io|
           io.puts holdstr
-	  @config.frontend.puts sprintf(_("%s pinned by adding Pin preferences in /etc/apt/preferences. You need to restart apt to enable"), pkgs.join(' '))
+	  @config.frontend.puts sprintf(_("%s pinned by adding Pin preferences in /etc/apt/preferences. Restart APT session to enable"), pkgs.join(' '))
 	  return pkgs
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@ class Viewer
         holdstr << "#{pkg} hold\n"
       if system("echo '#{holdstr}' | dpkg --set-selections")
-        @config.frontend.puts sprintf(_("%s held: you need to restart apt to enable"), pkgs.join(' '))
+        @config.frontend.puts sprintf(_("%s held. Restart APT session to enable"), pkgs.join(' '))
         return pkgs
       return nil

apt-listbugs development tree

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