[Apt-zip-devel] apt-offline SIMPLE web interface

Giacomo A. Catenazzi cate at debian.org
Mon Apr 21 08:35:46 UTC 2008

Pedro Macanas wrote:
> Some additional ideas: 
> The user´s ISO code  of country  and of language  (see
> http://codeigniter.com/wiki/Language_Selection/ ,
> http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-22-5069931.html ,
> http://aruljohn.com/lang.php ) are stored in the web browser and can be sent
> to web servers.

Languages are not countries, and some ISO code for language and for 
countries doesn't match.
I.e. "eu" is Basque language (ISO 639), but used as Europa union
"country" code ("reserved" in ISO 3166-1).

geoip is the right solution, but anyway it is complex to implement,
because we should import from debian the list of mirrors, what part
of archive they mirror (some mirror are not complete: rare,
architectures, not all distributions...), and we should find what
is the nearest mirror of a unknown country.
i.e. what is the nearest mirror of Luxemburg (.lu). There are
250 top level domains, and countries outside Europe could be
very difficult (i.e. very time intensive) to check. On one
of my site, I have people from 80 countries (and territories),
with a lot of unknown islands in southern pacific.

> * The command "apt-offline" (without parameters) would create a
> packagelist.htm file (and rename existing packagelist.htm file to
> packagelistold.htm ).

why an htm file?

> The user then would download the files and store them in a folder (the name
> of the folder could be standardized by default).
> "Apt-offline install foldername" would "apt-get install" all the files in
> folder "foldername". 

yes, like apt-zip

> * See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticOffline about "apt-get
> --print-uris".
> * I would add "License" to the "Sources" header ("License and Sources").
> * The nowadays only-text web page can be easily used in non-X web-browsers
> (as Lynx). So, as a help when X does not work (the user has to employ the
> console).
> A more graphical version can be used also (I would add a Tux).

I don't understand.

"apt-offline list" do much better that "apt-get --print-uris":
it distinguish the "suites" (backport, multimedia, volatile, stable,
testing), and allow you to mix the suites, so if you installed
package A from a suite, it will search the updates only on such suite.

Anyway, I'll do only the back-end and the web interface.
The front end should be done from "Synaptic" or other people
(but only when apt-offline is complete, and it as a stable interface)


> Regards.
> Pedro.

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