[GSoC2014][debci] Weekly report

kanashiro kanashiro.duarte at gmail.com
Fri Jun 27 21:42:24 UTC 2014


This week I worked in bzr-xmloutput package. At the beginnig of the week I 
thought that I have found the solution for the problem, I tried to correct the 
not well-format of XML using a regex to take only XML's valid chacarters. I did 
this and send to my mentor, but he demostrated to me that this was a wrong 
solution, because the test that is broken try to test UTF-8 characters and I 
skip this characters. After this, my mentor (one more time) showed me the right 
solution, it is export language C.UTF-8 in script that run the tests, because
in a clean system (debci chroot) do not support unicode characters, and this 
really solve the problem with suite test.
Now, I will send this patch and pass to the next package.

Best regards,

Lucas Kanashiro
Engenharia de Software - FGA/UnB
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