[Bash-completion-devel] re bash completion FAQ

Raphaël raphael.droz at gmail.com
Sat Mar 8 02:23:11 UTC 2014

On Fri, Mar 07, 2014 at 04:18:06PM -0800, Dan Haskell wrote:
> Q. The bash completion code inhibits some commands from completing on
>     files with extensions that are legitimate in my environment. Do I
>     have to disable completion for that command in order to complete on
>     the files that I need to?
> A. No. Use M-/ to (in the words of the man page) attempt file name
>     completion on the text to the left of the cursor. This will
>     circumvent any file type restrictions put in place by the bash
>     completion code.
> First of all what man page? :)

man 3 readline

but the only documented defaults there are those from control and
control-meta, eg :


$ bind -p|grep complete
show all others

> Second what key sequence does M-/ represent? I haven't touched Emacs
> in 15+ years... newbies won't know either.

the one you prefer (IHMO M-/ being the most handy for fr_FR layouts)
But you can tweak this at your will using ~/.inputrc

> Third, is there a way to just turn this feature off? I know what
> commands handle what sort of file, hate it when software contradicts
> me.

Do you mean to complete-filename binding of readline which *always*
trigger filename completion ?

Then it's all about the readline library and while there are a few (two)
calls to _rl_enabled in bash-completion they only deal with
mark-directories and mark-symlinked-directories readline configuration

Thus the M-/ binding is totally independent of bash-completion.

best regards

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