[Blend-fluxbox-devel] Project - Developer recruitment

Stephan Foley foley12723 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 03:15:27 UTC 2015

It would be very good if we can recruit a few developers interested in
this project. I know the saying is "those who do, rule", so some
broadening of scope might be required to accommodate newcomers, but
that's worth the price of rapid development.

Personally, I know my install. In addition, I know Perl and Python.
But I am lost in the Debian development sphere and realistically it
will take me weeks to get up to speed.

This is what I think is needed. Others can add their thoughts.

#1 A good Debian packager

After we get everything packaged, I think a the following would be very nice:

- C & X11 expert coder
- Shell script expert coder
- expert Debian developer

A few of each would really be best. Plus:

- Graphics designers
- Documentation writers

Ahhh wishes....

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