[Blend-fluxbox-devel] Wiki update
jedi at vsido.org
Thu Dec 31 13:52:47 UTC 2015
I've recently begun experimenting with luakit browser. Highly
configurable and it is so light it floats! Worth checking out. Over
the past year I've pretty much given up on Iceweasel in favor of
Chrome. Another pig of a browser, but decent security and updated
alternatives to Flash. (pepper?) A 3rd grader could hack your
Iceweasel/Firefox setup. Also qutebrowser comes to mind though it's
been a while since I tried it.
I also use Icedove. It is huge, and a pig. If your looking for tiny
mutt is the way to go. Claws is good too.
Wicd is totally awesome pretty light and very easy to configure. Another
even lighter way to go would be Ceni. A bit more technically
challenging, but not by much. Both can be looked at extensively at the
vsido.org forum. Wicd is the default in VSIDO, has been pretty much
from the get go. Network-Manager will pull a ton of dependencies...
You've nailed the sound issue. Pulse with alsa for the backend is
perfect. I've lost count of the number of laptops I've tested that
combo on with great results.
Oddly enough, I've never tried mpv. Smplayer is a great alternative to
vlc which can also be quite a hog. (i'll confess to having them both
For the audiophiles among us, squentin's GMusicBrowser (perl based) is
spectactular and very feature rich. Designed for huge libraries of
music. Terry has contributed to that project as well with a ton of
add-ons, widgets, etc. Being friends with it's dev means quick fixes if
one is ever needed. (so far none has ever been needed that I can
recall) It is also light in resource usage!
Recently I switched shells from Bash to Zsh. With this change I also
switched to urxvt-unicode. There are tons of sweet configs, and if your
an emacs or vim guy/gal you'll love the way they work together. Also
the way it is so easily turned into an IDE for python, perl, ruby etc.
If your using Git with github there are some really nice configs that
will integrate into urxvt-unicode to make all your github tasks way
easy! Running urxvt in daemon mode via the 'urxvtd -q -f -o' switches
makes things really fast and opens up the use of multiple terms really
simple. I'll happily share any of the rc files for the above as I
happily stole them from some one else! :) (FOSS you know!)
I also don't like gnome(s) for a lot of reasons. The long pointy hats
and bizarre beards and just hanging out in peoples front yards is kind
of creepy! (sorry, I'm not even sure if humor is allowed here, and this
is my first day in class) A boated overweight monster that wants to be
it's own OS rather than just a DE.
On 12/31/2015 05:46 AM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Stephan Foley (2015-12-31 08:55:05)
>> Hi Jonas, I'm going to make an effort not to top post today :-)
> Much appreciated :-D
>> Web browser: iceweasel
>> Email client: I don't use...is icedove good?
> Depend on your definition of "good". Iceweasel and Icedove are both
> nice, but not very lightweight.
> For lighter alternatives, have a look at Midori for web and either
> Sylpheed or claws for mail.
> Overall, the lightest would be if we could restrict ourselves to code
> linked against GTK+ 2.x - i.e. avoid GTK+ 3.x and Qt.
> The toughest ones to let go of in my experience is web browsing (none of
> the GTK+ 2.x based browsers come close to Iceweasel, so the question to
> ask is if Midori or other similar ones is _adequate_) and network
> management (only one properly integrated with Debian nowadays is
> network-manager - question is if if wicd is adequate).
>> Sound: Sound is a little difficult to deal with in Debian. My current
>> solution is to install "alsa-utils" and run "alsactl init" as root
>> after first install. Then I use "pavucontrol" as a user. So, this will
>> all have to be looked into.
> Through the tools you mention you indirectly agree with my suggestion to
> use Pulseaudio (and ALSA as backend on Linux - our blend should skip
> that when installed with kFreeBSD or the Hurd...).
>>> Video player? I recommend mpv.
>> I have installed:
>> gecko-mediaplayer
>> gnome-mplayer
>> - vlc
>> but, let's use mpv for now.
> gnome-mplayer is gone in testing/unstable - the replacement is gnome-mpv
> which I will include (but avoid vlc unless you insist - I personally
> find it too bloated and not really providing benefits despite its fame).
>>> Terminal emulator? I recommend rxvt-unicode-light
>> I got a thing for xterm...it has a nice option to set borders inside
>> the window frame. But, I'll put rxvt-unicode-light on the list.
> Reason I favor rxvt is not for its visual charm but that it is extremely
> lightweight and fast: Xterm and all libvte-based terminal-emulators are
> slow to scroll because of their support for vector-based fonts. The
> -light flavor of rxvt is compiled without such support and additionally
> can be run as a daemon spawning clients for each terminal session (by
> running "urxvtcd" instead of "urxvt" saving even more memory.
> Here are some tweaks I apply for rxvt (not all at once - some of them
> collide with others: I symlink wanted parts into /etc/X11/Xresources/):
> https://source.jones.dk/local-COMMON.git/tree/X11/Xresources
> You can clone all those tweaks with this command:
> git clone git://source.jones.dk/local-COMMON
>>> Should terminal (real tty) be configured?
>> Yes, especially configure terminal and bashrc. Very important.
>>> gksu nowadays link against gnome-keyring which can be avoided by
>>> instead using caja-gksu. Should we do that?
>> OK, will replace gksu with caja-gksu. I don't like gnome-keyring
>> either. Actually, I don't like gnome for a lot of things! But, they do
>> good apps, I'll give them that.
> Whoops, I was too quick: caja-gksu is only a wrapper around gksu itself.
> Can we try avoid gksu altogether for now - or are you certain it is
> really needed? If need is for udevil to work, then maybe udiskie (just
> entered unstable few days ago) is a better alternative.
> - Jonas
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