[Blend-fluxbox-devel] brainstorming

Denis Briand debian at denis-briand.fr
Wed Jan 13 02:45:07 UTC 2016

On Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 12:49:14AM +0100, arpinux wrote:
> hi all :)
> totally agree with Stephan : let's make the tiny blend-fluxbox, with the
> minimum apps installed, just to make it work, but lighter as possible.
> fluxbox can run on Debian with 60Mo RAM used, so it should be the
> lighter desktop-blend on-line. if someone wants a full development
> desktop, Debian already gives other very good targets (even
> LXDE/OpenBox, very light too)

I agree with you.
We don't need to build a blend for developper.
A lite blend for the end-users is a good idea.


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