[Bootcd-user] scsi booting
Tue, 28 Oct 2003 15:32:15 -0500
What I was trying to say in my last post is that instead of having several
isolinux append choices (hdc hdd scd0 scd1...) I would just make one and call
it "/"
Can you pass "root=/" to a booting kernel?
In this case / would already be mounted by the script. The thing that is
happening now is that the root directory is mounted on the appropriate scsi
cdrom but then isolinux is appending stuff like "root=/dev/hdc" or in my case,
the only one that will work is "root=/dev/scd0" (the "scd0" option at the
prompt). I am assuming that it then mounts root to /dev/scd0 where the /dev
directory is the one on the cdrom (mounted as / from the script)
It still works because a device is a device.
It just makes my head hurt...
It is also not elegant as well as not being practical. I have to know what scsi
device this drive is before I can successfully boot.
So I will try to make the initrd contain the mountpoint and mount it as / and
try only using / as the isolinux.cfg arguments...