Adding support for the new Sourceforge trackers (Allura)

Sandro Tosi morph at
Mon Nov 2 17:36:57 UTC 2015

> I've done that. You'll find the code in the 'only-allura' branch. This
> time, I've minimized the diffs which are mainly located in a single
> remote/ module.

thanks, much appreciated! sorry it took so long, but I just merged
only-allura in master, thanks for your contribution!

>>>> * allura is a new bug tracking system, the fact that SF decided to use
>>>> it doesnt mean that they have to live together, so there's no good
>>>> reason to keep it in the sourceforce remote
>>> You're right, although I haven't detected another instance deployed
>>> yet. I'll try to change that.
>> indeed they are not that many:
>> but still better to have it ready to be used as soon as other projects
>> pick it up
> I've tested a bit with allura's own tracker and it seemed to be
> operational. We'll then be ready should bugs be forwarded to other
> Allura instances.
> Note that I've added a custom case for enigmail's tracker, which doesn't
> use the "closed-*" status for its tracker, unlike most other projects
> hosted on
> Now, regarding the redirects of old forwarded-to URLs pointing to the
> Sourceforge original tracker paths, another option would be to
> mass-change the forwarded-to URLs instead of changing the code. It would
> be a matter of a single run of a custom script.

yeah that's how I handled such redirections in the past, but I guess
we should come up with a better -general- way; surely I wouldnt mind
if you run such a script for SF for the time being ;)

Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
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