Support for merge requests on salsa.d.o

Rafael Laboissière rafael at
Sat Feb 17 09:09:57 UTC 2018

Dear bts-link developers,

I recently "linked" this bug report on BTS:

to this merge request on Salsa.d.o:

Even though the projects on Salsa are not really "upstream", I thought 
that it would be interesting to have bts-link understanding this 
relationship and I wrote the support for it.  You will find attached to 
this message a patch that applies against the current sources in Git.

It seems to work correctly:

 $ ./btsinfo
 Bug: ({'project': 'lhapdf', 'group': 'science-team', 'id': '1'})
 Status: merged
 Resolution: None

It also passes the unittests:

 $ python -m unittest remote.tests.test_salsa
 Ran 2 tests in 0.001s


This support could be extended for GitLab in general.  It could also 
handle GitLab Issues, but most projects on Salsa.d.o have disabled 
issues, for good reasons.  However, linking BTS to merge request sounds 
very useful to me.

Please, consider integrating my changes in bts-link.

Best regards,

Rafael Laboissière
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