Bug#206408: [Build-common-hackers] Bug#206408: cdbs: Please include Ant class
Stefan Gybas
Stefan Gybas <sgybas@debian.org>, 206408@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 23:03:46 +0200
Jeff Bailey wrote:
> Nice! What do you plan to do for the testsuite? I'm really tryuing to
I can take the build.xml file from one of the Java library packages that
will hopefully move to main soon and include some Java classes that get
compiled. This will require a lot of Java packages to run, however.
> encourage everyone to make sure their modules have at least a basic
> test. Ant's case might be special, unless you can do the testsuite with
> tools that are all in main (Is there a Free JVM that will do the job?)
Unfortunately there's currently no free JVM that can run Ant. Kaffe 1.1
will work, but it has not been uploaded yet by its maintainer. Yesterday
I have announced that I'll NMU Kaffe 1.1 next Monday if the maintainer
does not upload until then. Then we'll start to move Ant and the other
Java packages to main.