[Build-common-hackers] treat as urgent

mr wenkang zhang zhang_wenkang@katamail.com
Wed, 15 Jun 2005 21:02:46 GMT

=3Ctable border=3D0 width=3D=22100=25=22 cellpadding=3D=228=22  cellpaddi=
ng=3D=228=22=3E=3Ctr=3E=3Ctd bgcolor=3D=22=23ffffff=22=3E=3CP=3EFROM THE =
DESK OF=2C=3CBR=3EMr=2E Zhang Wenkang=3CBR=3E44 Houhaibeiyan=2C Xicheng Q=
u=2C=3CBR=3EBeijing China=2E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3EDear freind=2C=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3EI am Zhang Wenkang an Executive Director Projects=2C of the MINIST=
RY OF =3CBR=3EHEALTH CHINA=2E Through my search in the internet =2CI got =
your email =3CBR=3Eaddress and after due verication with my colleagues=2C=
I decided to =3CBR=3Eforward to =3CBR=3Eyou this business proposal in ant=
icipation that you may be in position =3CBR=3Eto assist/handle this busin=
ess with me=2E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3EWe want a reliable person=2C who could assist us in receiving fund=
s =3CBR=3Eresulted from over invoiced bills from contracts awarded under =
the =3CBR=3Ebudget =3CBR=3Eallocation for MINISTRY OF HEALTH=2EThese bill=
s had been approved for =3CBR=3Epayment by the concernd ministry=2EThe co=
ntracts had been =3CBR=3Eexecuted=2Ccommissioned and the contractors had =
been paid their actual =3CBR=3Econtractual sums=2EWhat =3CBR=3Ewe are abo=
ut to receive now is a kick back from the contractors and =3CBR=3EUnder t=
he protocol division as civil servants=2C we are forbiden to =3CBR=3Eoper=
ate =3CBR=3Eor own foreign accounts=2Cthis is why am soliciting your assi=
stance in =3CBR=3Ethis manner=2E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3EOn our part=2C all modalities had been worked out in ensuring a sm=
ooth =3CBR=3Etransaction =2EAll I want from you is your mailing address a=
nd the name =3CBR=3Ethat you want the cheques to be issued on=2E As soon =
as you indicate your =3CBR=3Einterest=2C further instructions will be pas=
sed on to you on the =3CBR=3Eprocedure =3CBR=3Ethat we will follow in acc=
omplishing this deal=2E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3EOn accomplishment of this deal you will be entitled to 10=25 of th=
e total =3CBR=3Esum=2ENote=2Cthere will be no financial obligation requir=
ed from you and =3CBR=3Ethis transaction is 100=25 risk free=2E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3EIf this proposal is accepted by you=2C kindly reach me immediately=
 via =3CBR=3Ee-mail=3A(=3CA href=3D=22mailto=3Azhang=5Fwenkang12=40katama=
/A=3E me with your contacts and =3CBR=3Etelephone numbers=2E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3ELooking forward to hearing from you=2E=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3EBest regards=3C/P=3E
=3CP=3EMr=2E Zhang Wenkang=3CBR=3E=3C/P=3E=3C/td=3E=3C/tr=3E=3C/table=3E=3C=
br=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan style=3D=22font-family=3Amonospace=22=3E------------=
br=3E=3Cspan style=3D=22font-family=3Averdana=3Bfont-size=3A11px=3B=22=3E=
Encuentra tu casa r=E1pida y c=F3modamente=2E Miles de viviendas te est=E1=
n esperando en =3Cbr=3E=3Ca href=3D=22http=3A//banner=2Eeresmas=2Ecom/adc=
O/aamsz=3DPIE=5FWEBMAIL=22 target=3D=22=5Fblank=22=3Ehttp=3A//www=2Eporta=