Bug#305857: [Build-common-hackers] Bug#305857: ability to use uu-encoded patches
Christopher Martin
Christopher Martin <christopher.martin@utoronto.ca>, 305857@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 18 May 2005 08:17:44 -0400
Thanks for the response.
On May 18, 2005 06:27, you wrote:
> Thanks for the patch! I have a pair of questions:
> - Would it make sense to compress uuencoded patches? If so, you missed
> the extension checks for *.uu.(gz|bz2)
Since the primary use of uu-encoding is to turn binaries into text to avoid
choking dpkg-source, then I don't think it would be very useful to compress
such patches - but of course, I can't foresee all possible uses.
> - Do we also need this for dpatch.mk ?
To be honest, since I've never used dpatch in conjunction with CDBS, I
hadn't thought of that. I have used dpatch in conjunction with "plain"
debhelper, however. Since dpatch requires a header on each patch file, it
doesn't seem to support uu-decoding itself, so that would have to be
handled by CDBS itself. Whether you think if worthwhile to add this feature
to CDBS's dpatch is up to you, I guess - I haven't thought of how it would
be done.
Christopher Martin