[Build-common-hackers] son of the late Nigeria President Sanni Abacha
mr musa abacha
Sat, 28 May 2005 16:13:22 GMT
=3Ctable border=3D0 width=3D=22100=25=22 cellpadding=3D=228=22 cellpaddi=
ng=3D=228=22=3E=3Ctr=3E=3Ctd bgcolor=3D=22=23ffffff=22=3E=3CP=3Epls send =
your reply to =3CBR=3E=3CA href=3D=22mailto=3Amuas=5Fabacha20=40yahoo=2Ec=
=3CP=3EI am MR Musa=26nbsp=3B Abacha a relation of the late president of=3C=
BR=3ENigeria presently seeking political asylum in Europe=2E=3CBR=3EI am =
contacting you on behalf of Mohammed Abacha=2C the=3CBR=3Eeldest son of t=
he=26nbsp=3B late Nigeria President Sanni Abacha=2E=3CBR=3EI need your as=
sistance in transferring some funds into=3CBR=3Eyour account and subseque=
nt investment in properties=2C=3CBR=3Ebecause the government is making pl=
ans to seize Mohammed Abacha=27s=3CBR=3Emoney=2C as they did to his fathe=
r=27s money=2E Please view=3CBR=3Ethis site and read the content carefull=
y=3B=3CBR=3E=3CA href=3D=22http=3A//news=2Ebbc=2Eco=2Euk/hi/english/world=
i/english/world/africa/newsid=5F741000/741506=2Estm=3C/A=3E=3CBR=3EThe am=
ount is =2410 million in a consignment in a Security=3CBR=3ECompany in Eu=
rope it was moved in there underdiplomatic=3CBR=3Ecorp=2E or immunity=2C =
insured and bonded=2C nobody can=3CBR=3Etamper with it=2E Note that the s=
ecurity company does not know=3CBR=3Ethe content=3B they were made to bel=
ieve that it is family=3CBR=3Evaluables=2E=3CBR=3EAll that is needed is f=
or me to instruct the company=3CBR=3Eto release the consignment to you=2C=
I have all the=3CBR=3Edocuments relating to the transaction with me=2E I =
will renumerate=3CBR=3Eyou with 30=25 at the end=2C but most of all is th=
at I solicit=3CBR=3Eyour trust in this transaction=2E=3CBR=3EI await your=
response urgently=2Epls treat this transaction with urgency =3CBR=3Eand =
all the security=2C secrecy=2C and seriousness that it=3CBR=3Erequires=2E=
pls send your reply to =3CA href=3D=22mailto=3Amuas=5Fabacha20=40yahoo=2E=
est Regards=2C=3CBR=3EMR Musa=26nbsp=3B Abacha =3CBR=3E=3C/P=3E=3C/td=3E=3C=
/tr=3E=3C/table=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan style=3D=22font-family=3Amonosp=
-------=3C/span=3E=3Cbr=3E=3Cspan style=3D=22font-family=3Averdana=3Bfont=
-size=3A11px=3B=22=3ESOS Aldeas Infantiles=2E Ning=FAn ni=F1o sin hogar=2E=
=3Cbr=3E=3Ca href=3D=22http=3A//banner=2Eeresmas=2Ecom/adclick/CID=3D0000=
WEBMAIL=22 target=3D=22=5Fblank=22=3Ehttp=3A//ad=2Edoubleclick=2Enet/clk=3B=