[Build-common-hackers] Handling Udeb with CDBS

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Thu Nov 29 10:48:45 UTC 2012

Quoting Vasudev Kamath (2012-11-19 07:36:17)
> I converted one of my font package[1] to CDBS format from the 
> shorthand dh format. This package builds a udeb along with normal deb. 
> When I switched to CDBS generated udeb is now having docs and 
> buildinfo files which is not correct (I also get a lintian warning 
> aboout docs being inside the udeb file) With dh udeb generation was 
> proper i..e no docs landed in udeb file. So is there a special way to 
> handle udeb with CDBS?

CDBS automagically includes some files as documentation (see 
debhelper.mk snippet).

You can use something like this to suppress that for the udeb:

DEB_INSTALL_DOCS_fonts-knda-udeb =

I don't think you can suppress buildinfo for specific packages.  I 
suggest filing a bugreport against dh-buildinfo to never produce it for 
udeb packages.

You can avoid dh-buildinfo completely by not build-dependencing on 
dh-buildinfo.  To suppress it being auto-resolved as a build-dependency 
you can add this:

CDBS_BUILD_DEPENDS_rules_debhelper_buildinfo =


 - Jonas
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